I'm starting to realize my family is getting more and more corrupted.
Everyone comes home does their own shit. Goes to their own rooms, whether it's msn, tv, homework whatever. Damn, how did this all happen? Was
money the only issue within this place?
Parents always arguing over
money. Sometimes it really sucks to be the middle person.
Anyway, i guess we're growing up now, and everyone has their own lives. Soon i cant wait until i graduate. Fuck, i havent even gotten my L yet. Whatever, gas is too expensive nowadays, not surprised i didnt get my L.
Yeah, my dog, peanut is always seeking for attention, yet no one can give him something he needs. I think we're better off selling him, because everyday he's locked up in his room(laundry roll) and we bring him out sometimes to play, partly because hes soo wild and we can't control what the hell he does, and second of all its not his fault. It's our fault because everyday we just lock him up, he's probably mad.
ANyway, FUCK summer school! I think taking Geo12, is a complete waste of time after hearing we dont need any provincials for SFU/UBC?? Correct me if i'm wrong, i only took geo12 to boost up my overall average. Yeah i didnt make a mistake taking summer school this year, or i'd be wasting it again like i did last year. I can remember last year i applied at mcdonalds and got hired on the spot, but then again it's MCDONALDS. HAHHA!
Long post, anyway thats all i had to say.