Words can't express how i feel right now. It's like the world is turning, well it is but guess what? Tomorrow will be the last "full day" and the last day 2 ever. WoW. I really hate this part.
I remember some of you thought i was fucked up or however you want to describe me with ugly words, i don't give. I just am who i am, yanno? It can't be more simple than that. I learned to not give a flying ___ about what people think and say about me.
Yeah i remember every year i'd get into fist fights and all you noobs would be like wow man stop fighting and all those lame ass lectures. They did really shape me for who i am today.
And i remember telling you guys how much i'm into this girl or that girl, in the end you know the results already. HA! In regards to the yearbook comments, LOL! "Go get a girlfriend." AHAHAH I laugh!
You know that saying, " you don't know what you've got until it's gone?" Damn man, i really know what i have now. As gay as it sounds, you people were true to me and that's all i needed from you people. Nothing more, nothing less, it's just enough.
Looking forward to the " What time is it? It's Lunch time" facebook event on wednesday, some of you people i'll probably NEVER EVER see in my life time again.
Lunch Buddies, it's almost time to say good bye. The road is almost coming to an end. Let it be the best "lunch time" ever tomorrow.
Holy shit, i've never had something so good. It's not something spectacular at all, in fact it's pretty simple. But it felt like the best shit i've had. Sometimes i never knew even the cheapest, easiest home made shit could taste like the best food in the whole wide world. And the answer is because you're not eating it alone. You're eating it with your family.
I just can't explain..
And for you. I can't explain either. It just that feeling." OH WAT A FEEELING.. THANKS FOR BELIEVING... " HAHA! It's just that feeling, a feeling i can't explain either. Your presence fills my heart up, when the tank is low. I don't know where i stand right now, and i don't care either whethere it'd be first place or last, it doesn't matter anymore "cause i ain't like that."
Hopefully we'll chill soon, i've got lotsa story telling to tell and lots to catch up on.