There's something in the world that we call sacrifice. You know... when you want to make a person happy even if it's taking your own happiness away from you. We all get that feeling and don't bullshit me. It's hard to explain this feeling, in a way you want the best for that particular person, and yet you know how much it hurts just to even provide the state of happiness for them. I know i've been there before. A show of hands of who's actually had to sacrifice their own happiness for someone else's. It's dumb, it really is when the two of you fight. There's no real winner and there's no real loser, i hate to lose but i love to win, all that being said compensating is the best way to conclude things. Yeah we all know in the heat of the moment, things get rough, take a time out, and talking it out is the best answer. So what i'm really trying to say is that, no matter how things get, rough, lovey dovey or whatever it is, sacrifice is what everyone needs to make a relationship work. At least that's what i think.
ps. I'm gone in 3 days, wish the best for me, i'm going to be a changed man.
Private Cheng.
Peace and love.