Thursday, September 4, 2008

back too SCHOOOOO?

Alright back to school already, lets start off with my schedule... pretty chill/relaxing day on day1's, and there's 2 academic courses each day.

day 1
a, choir -> i love singing... fun course
b, history -> pretty fun also
c, english -> hella boring/gay teacher
d, leadership -> pretty fun, chill class, but have to do a lot of work outside of school

day 2
e, chemistry -> so far so good, but work load should be heavy
f, math -> lotsa work involved, got homework already on first day, review package due next class .. insane
g, PE -> horrible class.... so boring
h, service -> didnt go to class yet....(pretty much a free block, chilling in library)

yeah got homework for math + chem already 2nd day back to school....
Time to hit the bookz again... no time to spare

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Student. Steezed. Amateur Photographer. Part-time Hero.