Holyshit the moon is brighter then ever..........
Happy Moon cake festival to those that celebrate it?
Alright the livestock block party wasnt as good as expected, none the less, lotsa hot girls.
Domo-kun + leon........ tooo hypeeeeee
I know what you are thinking, but it's not! They make a cute couple =D
Loving these already.... 5th wear i believe?
haha, anyway.... what else is on my wishlist?
nike sb dunk shanghai's 2.
English class today... read a shortstory that was rather heart throbbing!
"Hello, catharine," he said.
"hello newt." she said.
" I love you," he said.
"I know," she said.
"Too late," he said.
"too late," she said.
He stood, stretched groaningly. " A very nice walk" he said.
"I thought so," he said.
"part company here?" he said.
"Where will you go?" she said.
"hitch into town, turn myself in," he said.
"good luck" she said.
"you, too." he said. "marry me, catharine?"
"No," she said.
He smiled, stared at her hard for a moment, then walked away quickly.
Catharine watched him grow smaller in the long perspective of shadows and trees, knew that i fhe stopped and turned now, if he called to her, she would run to him. She would have no choice.
Newt did stop. He did turn. "Catharine," he called.
She ran to him, put her arms around him, could not speak.
sadsad =(