Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Wednesday, June 30, 2010.

It costs you nothing to spend time with someone. Or does it? You may be spending your valuable time on someone who will never give back what you are giving and will never be as loyal to you as you are to him or her. Your spare moments are special, Scorpio, and should be used to make yourself happy, to get ahead in life, and to maintain connections with people who are important to you. Don't feel bad about being a little bit selfish with your time. Save your time for someone who is as good to you as you deserve.

So yesterday i got a phone call from my platoon leader and he told me that i will be not going to Alberta for training. The reason being that the course was way too overloaded and i couldn't get on, but i will be on the priority list for August.
Pros - Chilling in Vancouver, with a shitty work schedule which gives me more time to hang out with different people.
Cons - No work = no money, and a change of plans means that there will more "cons" later on.

I really wish i got loaded onto the course. Plans are ruined now.

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Student. Steezed. Amateur Photographer. Part-time Hero.