First i would like to say WHAT THE FUCK is wrong lately?
Today felt like it was one of the most abnormal days of my life.
Nothing felt it was going the way i wanted it to be.
I couldn't think straight today, and in PE class during a game of tackle football someone threw me the ball when i wasn't looking and it hit my nose, and it got all bloody.
Another thing that was ghetto-ass fucked up was when i went to the community center(it's right beside the school) to clean up my bloody nose, i walk into the washroom. A muscular white guy comes outta the shower with his DONG hanging around and it was literally doing meat spins. My face was soo WTFed when i first saw it. FYI, i wasn't tryna to look at it but he was walking around naked without a towel covering it.
Fucked up eh? FML?
It's funny how i can talk to strangers that i barely know and tell them everything, but people that are considered friends i have a hard time telling them anything now...It doesn't flow anymore......................
Sorry, i didnt mean to be a drama queen.......KING*
Something to enlighten my day....
PRoject Number One
Time to paint it...
To be continued.
Grad lounge today was mediocre, you can't ask for much for $3.
Just a bunch of camwhores, and there was entertainment... the usuall.. =)
Team Tough COokie OUtZ