I could recall when i was talking to a brother that lives in australia, so i was asking him how he was and what he's been up to with his girl. He replies "There's no more us, only me." That kinda shocked me for a bit, although we don't talk very often i instantly felt a sting. Yanno, that feeling when you know somethings gone bad from something really good and i've been great stories with him and his girl. Kinda sad if ya asked me, but life goes on and like all you people say, "Live life to the fullest."
So this past weekend was pretty chill like every other weekend, february was definitely one of the better months of 2010. Although, there's only about a week left in this olympic break, time flew by way too quickly and i can barely remember the things i did already. Damn, sometimes i wish i could spend more time with you, but as the days goes by you seem to be getting busier with your life. Sigh.
enjoy the pictures