Sadly to say, i've never experienced so many of these nights in my previous years..
What the hell is going on...............?
Eh, i think i have the answer.
Eh, its funny how im actually happier when i see you're with another guy.
I've gone through my "one day" of depression.LOLOL AHAH, but on a serious note.
I'm happier. I dont know why i feel this way, i knew nothing would end in a good result if i were to have you sticking around with me, not that you ever did? LOL!
Yeah this chasing/flirting thing for the first part of first term really fucked me over big time. It
jeopardized my admission for university. This isn't a legitimate excuse, but whatever. Im now " In the point of no return."
I remember back then when you used to call me, id get all excited and be like " Yo so can you make it tonight." I always knew you were gonna ditch or make up an excuse, yet i still stuck around. I remembering listening to that song "And i remain persistent." Yeah i thought being persistent would keep me around, but until now i finally knew i was never in the game from the start. I remember back then you would always say i'd do this for you and we should go this and that, there are soo many i cant even think of a specific one anymore. Whether im assuming all of this or not, it's not important anymore. YOu weren't worth my time. Im starting to wonder why you left me on moon and flew back to earth by yourself.
And i remember there were days that you were sad, and i tried comforting you over the phone, msn, whatever because i couldnt come and find you. All along when i thought i could receive the same in return, you weren't there for me.
In the last month, we've been talking on msn quite a lot, i remember during my time of turmoil, you'd always try to blow me off and i'd always tried calling. *yeah you know the no pick up shit*. Yeah seems pretty smooth now that i know you're with your S/O. I don't know how this relates but.. whatevers................
For now, whatevers ill be around, but if you get owned by your significant other, dont come crying to me. You made me feel this way.
Those were the days.
PS. SOrry to those who've experienced my PMS.