Finally got some preme' stizz. Lovin' em already, thanks Chris.
Dope shit, thanks for hookups.
Life's s'aite. Yanno, the usual, the normal, the chillin'. Snaps, pretty bored lately with school. I'm going to be a loser at home, and probably not go out this whole semester, i can't believe midterms are around the corner. Gotta start cuttin' the habits, time to quits.
Anyhow, i'm still wonderin' if she's still a keeper, maybe i should just be a sleeper. It's funny, i keep kinda lying and i ask myself, " Do i really need this right now?" We'll see where it'll take us, maybe it'll be something "special" something spectular. Who know's the answer? Sometimes it makes me kinda sad that you're so busy with your life and that i'm getting caught up with school. It suxs, it suxs real balls. Monkey ballz.
In class i feel like i'm sorta gaming this chick. Although i know she has a boyfriend and she's going to move in with him, i have this feel to "game" once again, however i feel like i'm "cheating." I guess when you get to know the people in your class whether it's male or female, it's just that much "funner." Feeling pretty guilty right now, but whatever. I'm sorry Michelle... =(
For now i have really nothing to blog about, it's always the same. Gonna probably be on hiatus.
Peace blog.