All this time, i've been reading you, and studying you.
All the time i've been going in for help just to learn more about you.
All this time you've failed me.
All this time, i've been trying to score you.
All this time, you failed me x2.
How could you do this to me?
I officially have to "drop" you now.
Alrighty guys! I am officially dropping math, dont' have to take the stress anymore.
Lately soo many tests, LPI tmr + Choir Concert, gonna be fun. Seee some cute chicks hopefully.
Anyhow i have to give a shoutouts to my man SAMUEL. He's the CHEF.
Happy birthday!
I remember i met you in grade9, started chilling, going to metro to play that gay and lame game called "MT" HAHAHA! It was fun while it lasted. Anyhow, when we gonna hit up the arcades again?
I realized that as we all grew, there was a wall between all of us.
Whatevers enough said, you are cool, lets chill on friday. LOLOL HAHAHAHAH
horrible picture, but who the fuck gives.
No homo.
Shiets, haven't talk to you for a while now.
Seems as if you don't really care anymore.
That's fine, i expected it from you anyway.
You're always saying your too busy, and all that jazz.
"Back then we were in school, that was your favorite excuse..."
One more thing, if you dont wanna talk to me, just tell me straight up.
Sexy Awesomeness's OUT.