I am pretty satisfied with how life is going right now, no more emo shit but lately i've been pmsing A LOT. So sorry for those who've experience this extreme. My " I don't give a fuck" attitude is getting out of hand, so i'd like to say "sorry" again. HAHA!
HAHA, wednesday just fucking around, and i won't be going back to army for another month, STAND DOWN =DD...
Tomorrow's the formal dinner, can't wait to drink and have fun.
This is the ugliest house door i've ever seen, yes i know red is the "lucky" color, but dayum.. WHY SO SERIOUS?
Huskies are soo cool, i want a big dog now.
12/4/08.... What does this really mean?
t'is the time to guess the street!
Looks soo pretty i had to take a picture....
Dayum lookin' fly again, as usual....
The mirror was really cool but i couldnt get the full image of it.
I've never seen a skytrain station @ granville @ 7pm, so empty.... friday too
My lovely tshirts i got from the wings and horn sale!
Im going again for more tomorrow =)
My favorite, unforunately i didn't bother tyring on the tshirt and it fits really small..
im going to try to look for another one with the exact same design!
My Tiger Fleece, unfortunately i didnt get a chance to get the grey one, i should of gotten it last time i went to the sale, but too bad i didn't have enough cash for everything......
i regret it, but brown is just as good!
STill Satisfied!
I bought some take out for my grandparents..
For some reason, i feel really happy that i did so. This is the process of maturing? Finally... =D HAHA...
These were on sale at london drugs $17.99, hell too cheap, so i bought one..
i'll be back for more, they taste soo yummy.
i'll be looking sexy in the summer time girls =)
I've been spending a lot lately but, whatever's, as long as i'm happy.
I've learned that you can always find money, but you can't always find happiness..
Happy early greetings!!
This Kid is OUTz.