Aside from all this, school and work has taken up most of my time, more specifically school has made me a fucking no life again. I go to school, i go home, i go to school, i go home. Isn't that what everyone does anyway? But fuck yo, Langara feels sorta like a commuter school rather something that could be fun, yanno the clubs and all that. Langara doesn't have that feel. And i've heard that Langara is turning into a university, which is pretty fucking whack in my opinion, there's already 3 "knock-off" universities around, we don't really need another one.
I currently hate life. Philosophy is so damn fucking confusing. I hope i don't fail my quiz tomorrow. I wish i could go back to high school, where the teachers actually cared if you did your homework and copied down notes in class. College is gay, they don't give 2 fly fucks if you do any of your work, for philosophy that is. The class is 60% quiz and 40% term paper, and that's it. Good job. Good job. Way to fuck people like me over.
Oh yeah, so other than school, work, school, work, this cute white chick whom sat beside me in philosophy yesterday forgot her sunglasses on the table. It was too late to chase after her once she ran outta the class room. Damn....... Here's my chance to get a number. HAHA this might sound really dumb but i'm going to give her a bargain deal. So if she gives me her number i'll give her sunglasses back, fair deal overall. Not bad eh? I'll see how it goes tomorrow, hope i have enough balls to say that to her though. LOL. "No regrets, no regrets."
And a few What Did You Wear Today portraits.....
And of course i'm going to have some fun with her shades before i give it back to her. =P
That's it for today.