"This boss isn't giving me a promotion. "
From this point on, i'm going to just let things flow, maybe let it go while it flows.
Because i ain't getting anywhere, this is kinda making me sick and it annoys me.
Everyday i'd ask for help on how to improve this situation, i'm sure you're sick and tired already.
And to top it off, maybe see you around sometime soon, because i don't give a flying ____ anymore. This time i put effort into this, ends up to be another let down. It simply takes more then 1 of me to satisfy you. It's not just me + you = love, it's me + 0.5 + you = who knows what? Weren't you the one that was going too fast in the beginning? You know the saying, "sometimes things aren't meant to be." I didn't believe in that saying for the longest time, and now i doubt myself. I really don't understand what you're thinking, wanna open up? I want a gal that know what she wants. I know you're not perfect but neither am i, the past month i've been making more mistakes than i've ever made in my entire life.
Maybe we can still make it work, how about you guide me to the road of "redemption."
If not maybe he can do it better then i can.
" Why don't you tell him that i'm leaving never coming back again
You've found somebody who does it better than he can
No more making you cry
No more gray skies
Girl we flyin' on the G5, G5 "
At least i can eat away the pain... LOL!
It makes me sad that prom is actually in 3 fucking days. 3 whole whooping days. This is pretty exciting.... Let's also drink way' the pain while im at it.
"Tryna dress up when i'm missing you...."
Im out. Take it Ezee