So many freaking test lately...
Monday - Math chpt test, Tuesday - history unit test, Wednesday - Chemistry unit test, Thrusday - LPI + Choir festival right afte the LPI, so i might not even go home until 9ish-10? T_T saddd
My daily snaps throughout the week.......
AWWWWWWWWWWWWW <3 onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href="">
Holy shiz, she's lookin' dayum fine in this artona pic, probably one of the best too..
I've never studied this hard for a math test... i hope i did well on my cross-grade. =(
Whatever atleast i tried, thats all it matters right?
Remember these? The "revived" apc's that my grandma once washed?! T_T
Im rockin' them again, and tthey're looking great, i really should of bought a size bigger.
Last night at KNOT, Killarney Night of Talent, Awesomeness...
Im inspired to perform in this year's Airband!
Who's interested?
I love you baby... <3 onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href="">
So i came home and this thing was hanging down from the my doorway...... scared the shizzles outta me... its soo bigg
AWWWWWWWWWWh, so cute x 100000000000..
It's a fridge magnet... i originally wanted a button =(
Working tonight again, 6-midnight, $15/hr + tips, not bad eh?
Serving wine and food to people at this army reunion dinner thingie.
Remember the last few times you ditch move me, pisses me offfffff.. now that i think about it.. im even more pissed off.... do you do it on purpose or what? Is it fun to you or what? Do you even care or what? Do you.... ?
TILL' Next time bitches!!
piz in the middle east, rain in spain?