I have all the reasons to say go to UVic, just because i'm chinese and that the fact it's an "university." Funny you may ask. UVic accepted me yay .. soo cool eh, but to be honest what the hell am i gonna do with psychology and sociology there? My goal is to do something with criminology perhaps SFU, but unfortunately i didn't get accepted because i'm not academically smart.
Langara on the other hand, it's much cheaper as you all know. At UVic i'd be paying an estimate of 15,000 a year. Yeah thats a lot, considering i'd only get 10,000 MAX from student loans, so i'd have to fork out 5,000 from own pocket. Doesn't seem like a lot but to me it is, and i'll probably be living from pay cheque to pay cheque, that's something you don't want to do.
So my biggest worry is that i can't transfer from Langara to UBC or SFU(depends what i really wanna do in 2yrs) and of course money is a huge factor to put into consideration.
And again you may also say, "you've basically answered your own questions." Yeah sorta, but it's still a hard decision, because i'm getting mind fucked hearing so many different opinions and options. Maybe if you were in my position you'd understand.
UVic seems kinda adventurous in a way, because you're gonna be living in a dorm, everybody is just like you, you're all in the same position. Yeah their parents are probably rich in some sort of way too, but in the end is it really worth it?
So for the rest of July i'll probably try to get some hours and look for another job and try to maximize my income =D. Money talks.
Sigh i wish was richer and smarter that way i'd rule the world.
Or i could marry a rich girl and never have to work again.. ^_^
Now.. here are my daily snaps!