" I don't mind spending everyday, out on your corner in the pouring rain......"
Hey. What's UP?
So lately i've been pretty stressed out due to the fact that school's almost over and that tests are piling up by the minute as we speak. Err, soo i just found out i failed my chemistry test. What a great way to finish off the year eh? Eh, for one thing i know i can't blame anyone but for myself. Sometime's i wish i didn't meet you. I'll admit it, you're attractive and all, and you drew all my attention away from school. Kinda regret it now. It ain't worth it after all. Nothing but a waste of time. "Cause the truth hurts...."
This week, i have about 4 tests. 2 being history, 1 being chemistry and the other ENGLISH <3. The only course i think i'm doing well in is ENGLISH. WootWoot.
I can't wait until the weekend, even though if i have nothing to do, but to message everyone on my msn list and tell them i'm bored. Loser ville eh? Yeah pretty much, but whatever. For the past few weeks it's always been just doing whatever randomly with the most random people. Never would i thought of chilling with people that i disliked. I guess you just have to get used to it and accept people for who they really are whether you hate their guts and want to smash the livin' hell outta them. "Sometimes you really have to bite your tongue."
On the other hand..
Who's down to take fit pictures this weekend?
Who's down to go for ice cream at dq this weekend?
Who's down for nightmarket this weekend?
For now, let the studying begin.