Friday, April 2, 2010

JU55 B14Z3

I felt so helpless, that one night. I saw those burning flames within your eyes, not knowing what to say or do. It's so obvious that you were mad. I was scared, i couldn't think properly. We got onto the skytrain, you sat in front of me. I could see you peaking at me every few seconds from the window reflection. I knew you wanted to say something, but you couldn't quite spit it out. I didn't know what you wanted to say, and i was scared to approach you, you looked hella fierce. I can tell why you're so mad. It was my fault, you couldn't even speak a word to me, that's when i knew things were really bad. "Please calm down," i thought to myself. You're really mad, i know. I know it all, you have every reason to be mad. Tell me how i can apologize to you, you looked way too mean to be talking to anyone. Tell me that you're doing okay.

I'm sorry.

I really wanna blur my thoughts, and not think about it anymore, but i can't. I can't see that look on your face without feeling a bit torn up inside.

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Student. Steezed. Amateur Photographer. Part-time Hero.