This gon' be the coldest winter... everr
I thought about it long and hard, remaining persistent isn't even working.
I don't know why im so paranoid. I wish i could say " BABY DONT WORRY ABOUT IT!"
I worrying about the wrong things, but this is how i am. Anyhow i cant change the reality anymore.
This isnt working out, maybe if i just let loose things will be better.
Looking and searching for those better days........ sighhhh
A simple mind accomodates a simple lifestyle, this is what i need the most.
You made it too complicated.
On the Bright side!
WINTER BREAK is coming around the corner!!!
I cant wait to shop for presents and shop for myself and reward myself with the biggest present ever ;). We'll have to wait until boxing day!!
What are you guys up to this WINTER?