I found this amazing read. Enjoy.
"You may not be her first, her last, or her only. She loved before she may love again. But if she loves you now, what else matters? She's not perfect- you aren't either, and the two of you may never be perfect together, but if she can make you laugh; cause you to think twice; and admit to being human and making mistakes, hold onto her and give her the most you can. She may not be thinking about you every second of the day,but she will give you a part of her that she knows you can break - her heart. So don't hurt her, don't change her, don't analyze and don't expect more than she can give. Smile when she makes you happy, let her know when she makes you mad, and miss her when she's not there."
- Bob Marley
Kinda heart touching, yet interesting.. Let me know what you think.
I was recently thinking of this question: "What would you do if you won the lottery?"
The truth is, how much money first? Let's say 36million jack pot and you take it alll, then what would you do?
Me: Let's start offf with some investment on some Houses, cars, stocks and obviously shoes.
The rest goes to donations. You're probably thinking, yeah typical answer, "donation." Yeah it is a typical answer because it's the best answer. HOnestly what the fuck are you gonna do with 18million? Since that other "half" is going into personal investments?
Yeah maybe have some "brothers" in Africa, HAHAHA. Recall those "heart throbbing" commercials, where it says "for a dollar a day you can save a child's life?"
And after reading the short story, " A Woman without Prejudice" really got me thinking. There's no different leagues or classes anymore. We're all the same regardlessssssss.. So imma level up and be more confident.
Soo.. lately:
Chilled with the Joe-sta's at waves for a bit. Walked arounddddddddddd Metro.
Got this Jacket at J2. Addict is the best at making windbreakers
GOt it for $90 from $340 retail. Im pretty satisfied.
Now my Dough has a hole again.. Sigh..
Went to april's 18th bday bash, pretty fun....
got a few names =)
The cake was pretty good, but soo fking sweeeeet.
Woke up and then went to Superbored with the Eric's and his frd.
But the prices are jaww dropping, to me at least.
Went to River Rock Buffet for dinner, it was a buffet weekend LOL, First at April's now, with the family at River Rock.
Wasn't really worth the money, food wasn't that great.
To start it offf....... and to make Ms.Macapili Jealous.
The fun begins.... No pictures for the other dishes, but i had 3 other dishes after this excluding dessert.
Ate like a champ, until i got cramps and couldn't get up.
Dessert was kinda shitty but whatevers..........
Didn't feel this buffet...........
Skipped first block because i had library service, and i'm gonna start skipping that classssssssssss. Went to art classsssssss was pretty fun, my Charmander(pokemon) is pretty sexy right now 80% finished. Can't wait. And then after lunch had PE. PE was boring shits...... PE is prettty boring now, we never play dodgeball anymore. And Chemistry was pretty boring toooo, Chem Lab. Ghetto..
Boring day overall.... gotta start working out more and stop slacking off..
This made me "LOL".
I love it. Made my day also.
Anyways excited for tomorrow =).. See you around?
"Nothing feels right when i'm not with chuuu....sick of this dress anddddd jimmy CHOOS"