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immediately. Today is November 11, 2009, which means that it's Remembrance day. To be honest i actually really was looking forward to marching at Richmond City hall with my battalion. It's such a downer that i didn't this year, it's probably because my drill sucks balls and my master corporal didn't want me to go, but it's all good i had fun working in the kitchen too. Next year i'm gonna get my formal dress wear and i'mma perfect my drill like no mother fucker has done before. I'm fucking determined. Asides from that, drinking with army people was actually quite fun, when i was in Wainwright, Alberta, drinking with like 20 white guys and with like 2-3 asian guys was really fucked up, the conversations weren't there, the fun was just non-existence, it was shit. Well i kinda feel like shit right now because for the fact that i drank too early today, it wasn't a lot but it was a shot or two, with a few beers here and there, kinda ruined my day. That's that.
School, it's getting there. I'm getting more comfortable around different people, and that's a good thing. I remember when i first walked into Langara, my objective was to be a social machine and talk to anyone that was kinda decent looking, guys or girls(no homo). After a week or two of school, my objectives wasn't really to be a social machine, it was to study. Yeah, i sorta study but eh, i'm not studying smart, what a waste, when i got back my first test in College, man that just blew me away(in a bad way), i didn't expect to do that bad with all that studying. College is different, it's different from highschool, i didn't really take that into account until i finally realized that it wasn't a game. It was dead serious and no games were to be played, it's like playing counterstrike in highschool and than in college it's like an actual war, once you're dead, you're dead forever, you won't respawn once you die, there's no other way to put it. I'm disappointed with my first semester, hopefully second semester will treat me better. It's kinda sad too, i haven't really found a group of friends that i could chill with in college tother than the few random people, despite the fact that i see some of my highschool friends here and there, but eh i wanna move on and meet new people, and oh yeah the highschool friends weren't really considered friends anyway, they're the "Hi - and - Bye" sorta deal. And the friends in highschool that i chilled with last year, we kinda broke off, everyone's doing their own little thing, no one has ever really made an effort to call everyone for a gathering, at least not that i know of. Other than that, the day was pretty fun, haven't had this much fun in awhile, honestly.
I'm a happy man, for now at least. Summer girl Where are you?? Why are you so mean to me now? I fucking hate you for being such an ass, i must admit i was an ass when we were hanging out, but damn, don't take your anger out on me. So girl, tell me how you've been? Maybe we can chat when you're not so busy, k deal.