I have never wanted to punch someone so hard in the face before...
you deserve it.
Monday, December 20, 2010
Sunday, December 5, 2010
WOW, this guy thinks hes soo fucking cool...
just ruined my night..
K back to Caprice, fuck pop opera
just ruined my night..
K back to Caprice, fuck pop opera
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Title says it all, good by ms.starfish. SO this starfish is outta my life. I think i've been told that i can do better about a million times now, there's no doubt to that. She wasn't that good looking anyway. It's so pointless trying to apologize and fix things when the receiving end, doesn't bother putting effort into it. Whatever she's full of bullshit. I don't need a little "princess" in my life.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Worth my time
If i think you're worth my time, i'll talk to you. Other then that, i have nothing else to say. Let's just hope that you're one of those people that is actually worth my time.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Today, i looked in the mirror and i saw a guy that's aging quite quickly. I hate to say this but i feel like i'm aging faster then i thought i would. You can't define someone's age by asking how old they really are, you define their age by their life experience and knowledge. Quite ironic eh? Yeah i'm 19, but i feel like i've grown up too quickly, i'm no longer as immature as i used to be. Seeing the changes recently, i've realized that i should go on a hiatus from everyone. I want to figure out what i'm really all about, to chase my dreams, to get that paper and see what life has to offer. No girls, no parties, k i lied, maybe a few, but trying to stay away from that scene. I'm debating whether i should drop out of school for a year and get back to it later on, it's a huge risk, but what's life without taking a risk? All my life, i did things to make people happy, to satisfy them, what i wore everyday to school, how i looked and what i say. It's complete bullshit. I'm not saying that i was fake before, what i meant was i should do things that make myself happy. My parents aren't going to be very happy, when i tell them this, hopefully i'll have enough courage to tell them everything that's going on. Com'on, they're chinese, they're the typical asian parents that you would see everywhere. "We want you to see you succeed, but before all that shit, get a degree first and then we can talk."
I hate it. I wish i was white.
For now, i'll do me, i'll do everything i possibly can but don't blame me one day if i do fail. That bittersweet thought has come to a conclusion, i'm out of here.
I hate it. I wish i was white.
For now, i'll do me, i'll do everything i possibly can but don't blame me one day if i do fail. That bittersweet thought has come to a conclusion, i'm out of here.
Monday, November 1, 2010
I get lonely too.
You tell me you love me, you tell me you mean it, but there's something holding you back from getting to me. I appreciate all the things you've done for me, but is it really about your ex? I'm going to be real with you. I like you a lot too, and maybe i didn't mean all the "ilu" that i tell yeah, but deep down, i sometimes just don't know how to express my feelings. Everything's going well, but yet there's something holding you back from me. How am i suppose to feel right now? Is it supposed to mind fuck me?
I'll give you all the space you'll ever need, just know that i'll be there when you need me the most.
I'll give you all the space you'll ever need, just know that i'll be there when you need me the most.
What happens in that bedroom stays in the bedroom.
Hoping onto that party scene.
And you bitches better come out for my bday.
Nuff said.
And you bitches better come out for my bday.
Nuff said.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Monday, October 25, 2010
I'm 19 and i'm here to have fun, so fuck your shit.
I'm not going to lie, i'm 19 as of this moment, and you're all wondering, "Shouldn't you be happy?!" The answer is, NO. I'm not happy one bit. I think it's the things that are holding me back in life, the bullshit, the drama, it wears you down after a while, no matter how much of a "rock" you are, you'll eventually deteriorate. So i found myself a new girl that i'm currently seeing. She's dope, i'm quite happy when i'm around her, but i'm scared the same thing might happen. Call me captain asshoe, i don't give a fuck, but i might not love you as much as you love me, not trying to be cocky. Yes, i tell you i love you, but all in reality, how can you really love someone in such a short amount of time? You can fall for someone in a matter of seconds, it ain't the same when it comes to love though. Love is a strong word, i'd rather not use it unless i really mean it. Maybe, i do love you, but it'll only be a matter of time until i really mean it with my fullest intentions. I never thought i'd be calling you my girl so soon, and yes i do get intimidated easily around your friends. When your gut feelings tell you that you should just let it all out and have the time of your life, you always wonder, "why is something holding you back?" I'm entering my last year of being a "teenager" and it's quite scary becoming an adult. We can be having kids by now, and start a family, but fuck that.
I'm 19, and i'm here to have fun, so fuck your shit. I'll behave like i say i do, but if anything goes wrong, blame the alcohol, not me. Blame captain asshoe, not me.
I'm private cheng, what's your name?
Happy mother fucking birthday.
I'm 19, and i'm here to have fun, so fuck your shit. I'll behave like i say i do, but if anything goes wrong, blame the alcohol, not me. Blame captain asshoe, not me.
I'm private cheng, what's your name?
Happy mother fucking birthday.
Friday, October 22, 2010
I'm sad.
I sometimes don't understand how a person can fall inlove with you so quickly, it seems so easy but at the same time, you ask yourself "did you have game?" or "is she actually that easy?" I really wanna believe that i have game, then again, every girl's different, they fall for you for the weirdest reasons sometimes. So today she gave me this note, telling me all this "ish" and i was really surprised at how sincere it looked. I was really convinced that she may actually be that girl, that girl that might be there for "longterm." So far, everything's going great, but wait till the arguments starts settling in, then we'll see if it's for "longterm." I generally like to stick to my promises, but in all honesty, i'm going to have to see if it's worth "waiting for." I better be right.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Sunday, October 17, 2010
I'm pretty happy to say i finally found "her".
I did it. LOL, feels like a life accomplishment if ya'll know what i mean right? It's funny how things come and go, you leave one, you find one. It all works out. I'm glad i made the right choices, so much more to life to just stick around and be with someone i know ill never get far with.
It's for real guys. Pictures to come la.
I did it. LOL, feels like a life accomplishment if ya'll know what i mean right? It's funny how things come and go, you leave one, you find one. It all works out. I'm glad i made the right choices, so much more to life to just stick around and be with someone i know ill never get far with.
It's for real guys. Pictures to come la.
Friday, October 15, 2010
Aite aite aite,
So i know this blog has been rather boring lately, i apologize for the lack of enthusiasm. Gonna post more pictures, and more shit of my daily life.
Peace out.
So i know this blog has been rather boring lately, i apologize for the lack of enthusiasm. Gonna post more pictures, and more shit of my daily life.
Peace out.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Monday, October 11, 2010
Next time
So next time i meet an attractive girl, i'll tell myself that i should get to know her and see what her personality is like first, rather then just assuming she's the coolest, hottest girl at the moment.
I've learned that no matter how hard you try to impress girls and get their attention, they'll never notice you, unless you're being yourself.
So drop the ego, and do you.
I've learned that no matter how hard you try to impress girls and get their attention, they'll never notice you, unless you're being yourself.
So drop the ego, and do you.
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Omfg its the weekend, finallly... paper's almost done, and get my workaholic on, 2 more weekends tilll my fucking legal birthday.. CLUBBBB?
Hey ms.Flawless ;) serenade me all night
Ya'll better come out to my bday, whoever is reading this, better come out or else.
Hey ms.Flawless ;) serenade me all night
Friday, October 8, 2010
So one day i'm going to be PHAMOUS and buy all the things i want in the world, including love.
The end.
The end.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
You can't help but wait.
I've realized that people do things not for themselves but for others. They try to please others too much, on a level that some might appreciate them and some, will completely hate them for what they do. I find it really hard to trust someone with my life, and tell them everything that happens nowadays. I guess you can call it inevitable. Hopefully, one day someone will walk into my life telling me they appreciate everything that i do, maybe i'm just trying to do it all and it ain't working. For now, i'm content with what i have and everything around me doesn't phase me anymore. I don't like to listen to rumors, if i hear some, i'll keep it in the back of my head, i need to see things with my own eyes and listen with my own ears before i can make judgements. So before you talk about somebody else, think about what you really hear and see.
Insanity, week 5, here i come. I love bein' sore in the morning, walking around my house half naked.
Insanity, week 5, here i come. I love bein' sore in the morning, walking around my house half naked.
Monday, October 4, 2010
Sunday, October 3, 2010
You Got it Bad.
You disgust me. Keep bein' shady and keep doin' you, and i'll keep hating on you even more. I don't think i hate someone as much as i hate you. You lying piece of selfish fatass. First go hit the treadmill, second go do something with your life.
/End Rant.
On a brighter note, work at Northface has been great. I finally got my hookah and used it a few times already, and my supreme shit is gonna come in the next few days.
I'm satisfied, entirely. =)
Friday, October 1, 2010
i want nobody, nobody but you..
Wow 25 more days, until i am officially legal, this is kinda exciting. Still deciding what i wanna do for my birthday, i'm hoping clubbing with some homies will come through.
Anyway, let my workaholic week begin, Never too much, never too much money =)
Anyway, let my workaholic week begin, Never too much, never too much money =)
Monday, September 27, 2010
Hey there cuties.
Here's the situation. So you're macking on a girl for the longest time at the club, and you're dancing with her and without a clue she has a boyfriend. You tell yourself 2 things, get her number and keep dancing along or completely fuck off. I'm guessing you're all gonna pick the first option. What are the chances of getting with her anyway, she has a boyfriend whom she's madly inlove with. You're just one of the many guys who are there tryna pick a few numbers up and hopefully get to first base. What would you do?
I can't wait till i turn 19, Pop Opera, Gossip, Fabric or any other recommendations for my bday?
I can't wait till i turn 19, Pop Opera, Gossip, Fabric or any other recommendations for my bday?
Friday, September 24, 2010
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Hang up.
So, i promise myself this will be a good weekend, and i will study for my upcoming test next week. Can't wait to see how it all goes down.
I was wrong, when i thought it was hard to delete someone out of your life. I guess you just have to keep yourself occupied and not think too much. I'm doing a good job already but ultimately, i hope i'm doing the right thing. Maybe you'll love me more when i'm gone.
Peace the motherfucking out.
I was wrong, when i thought it was hard to delete someone out of your life. I guess you just have to keep yourself occupied and not think too much. I'm doing a good job already but ultimately, i hope i'm doing the right thing. Maybe you'll love me more when i'm gone.
Peace the motherfucking out.
Monday, September 20, 2010
to be continued ..
As i was on the skytrain today, something struck my mind for the first time. Okay, i lied, maybe not the first time but something different came up. Till this date, i don't understand the whole concept of the guy "always" being a jerk. From my stand point, i'm a strong believer in the whole nice guy theory. The nice guy doesn't necessarily always finish last, reason being is that he's nice, girls like him as that guy, that go to guy, maybe not he's not boyfriend material, but he's definitely not last. Girls go for asshoes. Why? Because they're more dominant, what kind of girl would want a nice guy who's always a push over, a guy that's always trying to impress her. Impressing a girl, will only work for short period, until she realizes that. What good is it going to do, when that particular nice guy is always on the go, trying to get this girl's attention? You're thinking, not a lot, maybe no attention from her whatsoever. We're on the right page, maybe a little bit, due to the fact he's buying her gifts and giving her rides all the time
So, as time goes by, this guy is probably gonna get heartbroken real fast. Obviously he's not playing by the rules, breaking everyone of them. Anger comes along... Bam, meet mr.asshoe. Now tell me who's the asshoe now? The nice guy, obviously. That guy whom used to be the sweetest boy alive, is now an official asshoe. Take a guess, it was all because of that one girl.
Believe me, when i say a girl turns a guy into an asshoe, it's quite true. There's too many scenarios and possibilities how it can be true, but ya'll know the jist of it. Quite frankly, there are too many "asshoes" out there today, it's kind of sad seeing how this transition becomes because who really wants to be an asshoe? It all started with the mindset of i'm going to be the sweetest thing alive, next thing you know, he's bitter as fuck. Now really, there's no way of changing how a person thinks, you might be able to influence them, but how they think is totally up to them. I was speaking to one of my female mates, and she pointed out that "a girl symbolizes the ultimate goal for a guy." True, if you asked me. In all honest words, what kind of girl would want to chase a guy? It's always the other way around, and that's how nature works, let's exclude those minor exceptions of "how you got your boyfriend" instead of "how you got your girlfriend." Now think again, do you really think a girl turns a guy into an asshoe?
This is entirely bias, and i'm speaking on my point of view, but if you think of something that contradicts this whole argument, then throw a comment at me.
So, as time goes by, this guy is probably gonna get heartbroken real fast. Obviously he's not playing by the rules, breaking everyone of them. Anger comes along... Bam, meet mr.asshoe. Now tell me who's the asshoe now? The nice guy, obviously. That guy whom used to be the sweetest boy alive, is now an official asshoe. Take a guess, it was all because of that one girl.
Believe me, when i say a girl turns a guy into an asshoe, it's quite true. There's too many scenarios and possibilities how it can be true, but ya'll know the jist of it. Quite frankly, there are too many "asshoes" out there today, it's kind of sad seeing how this transition becomes because who really wants to be an asshoe? It all started with the mindset of i'm going to be the sweetest thing alive, next thing you know, he's bitter as fuck. Now really, there's no way of changing how a person thinks, you might be able to influence them, but how they think is totally up to them. I was speaking to one of my female mates, and she pointed out that "a girl symbolizes the ultimate goal for a guy." True, if you asked me. In all honest words, what kind of girl would want to chase a guy? It's always the other way around, and that's how nature works, let's exclude those minor exceptions of "how you got your boyfriend" instead of "how you got your girlfriend." Now think again, do you really think a girl turns a guy into an asshoe?
This is entirely bias, and i'm speaking on my point of view, but if you think of something that contradicts this whole argument, then throw a comment at me.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Sigh, last night was just too emotional for me and i don't know why i got so emotional, it was my first time getting that emotional, while i was drunk. But it's all good, i'm fine guys. =)
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
I hope you like this.
So school's been pretty hectic already, and it's not gonna get any easier from here. Fuck. For some reason i just can't concentrate on school at all. So much for being my 2nd priority in life eh?
I think schools, not for me, honestly. What will my parents say if they hear this?
Scary thoughts, fuck.
I think schools, not for me, honestly. What will my parents say if they hear this?
Scary thoughts, fuck.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
If i could write chu a song that'll make you fall inlove, then i will already have you under my arms.
I've realized that women aren't just women, they have more value then helping us give birth to a baby and for what every men wants, sex. I see the opposite sex as someone i can talk to, i'm sure everyone of you readers are going to agree with me. It's just harder to talk to a buddy that's male because there's going to be so much more criticism. Personally, i don't really listen to criticism all that much, but for those that are more concerned, that's definitely the case. Over the past few days, i've been analyzing things and i believe that females that are a bit more "mature" understanding.
Asides from that, i've been thinking it through and i'm trying to set my priorities right now. Sounds kind of stupid but insanity is probably #1 on my list, and school and money comes 2nd and 3rd.
Anyway i have to get some reading done.. SOO PEACEOUT
Asides from that, i've been thinking it through and i'm trying to set my priorities right now. Sounds kind of stupid but insanity is probably #1 on my list, and school and money comes 2nd and 3rd.
Anyway i have to get some reading done.. SOO PEACEOUT
Saturday, September 11, 2010
If you break our trust, then peace out to you and your fellow folks out there.
That's cool right?
That's cool right?
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
So i've decided i wanted to make a lifestyle change, and i had to make it happen quick. Today i went out and bought this insanity workout program. It's a 60 day workout program and basically you follow the calender and each day you do something different for 60 days. It's pretty cool actually, but for beginners this might not be something for you to try. It's fucking hard, and you will be drenched in sweat by the end of the workout. I thought i was fit, but i could barely keep up in the last few minutes of the workout.
This is my "BEFORE" Picture. Day 1.
I am looking forward to Day 2 already, i went grocery shopping also. THey also include nutrition plans that you can follow, but i don't really have that much time to make all the food throughout the day, so i'm going to modify the meals to my own liking.
Fuck, i just remember i forgot about almonds, trail mix bars, and bunch of other shit. Grocery shopping was definitely fun, probably gonna save a shit load of money bringing lunch to school instead of eating their shitty and overpriced food.
Remember one thing, stay committed to whatever you do, doesn't necessarily have to apply for insanity or p90x or whatever that you're doing, but it goes for anything in life as well.
Stay tuned.
Monday, September 6, 2010
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Let me tell you about a girl who changed my world.
I love the way she lies and she's making me saying.....
Saturday, September 4, 2010
I know how to stay fresh.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
So this is it.
Dear Viewers and Followers,
As you might know, i've been away for about a month, finishing up my basic military qualifications in Edmonton. I can not be any happier completing this course, i believe there was about 50 people that started out on this course and only 38 of them made it through till the very end. The numbers might scare you, however we all knew they were gonna make it through, half of them were lazy shitpumps or they just were medically fit for the job. The first week was one of the most cock that i've ever got, it seems that everytime i train, i'm not mentally prepared for it. I'm not gonna lie, i wasn't. I hated life there, but what got me through the course was the people who were all there to help each other out. I had to say during the last week, the exercise that we went on was pretty intense. It consisted of 7days in the field, which basically means that we were sleeping in shitting tents, something that we called "hootches" that went up to my knee. So all you could really do was throw your sleeping back down and slip in it, with bare minimum head space. That one night where we were digging trenches was one of the shittiest day of my life. I believe we were digging from 12 midnight till 6 in the morning, and then after breakfast we had to finish the digging. That night was fucking cold as fuck, and it was really wet, people were hallucinating from little to no sleep. Man... one of the hardest things i've gone through. The rest of the exercise was pretty good, even though we ran on very little sleep, i'm glad i made it through. This proves to me that i can overcome hardships at the roughest times.
Honestly, i feel like i can accomplish anything in the world right now. Now that i'm back home, i feel completely lost in my own world. The exercise that we went on was so realistic, grenades and artillery simulators going off and people firing their weapons with blank rounds. Everything is still replaying in my head. I think i might join the reg force, and maybe go to Afghanistan. They tell me that the young one's are the most eager to go serve overseas, a form of patriotism and pride, i'd say. As for now, i'm back to reality. Time to adapt.
Pte Cheng.

As you might know, i've been away for about a month, finishing up my basic military qualifications in Edmonton. I can not be any happier completing this course, i believe there was about 50 people that started out on this course and only 38 of them made it through till the very end. The numbers might scare you, however we all knew they were gonna make it through, half of them were lazy shitpumps or they just were medically fit for the job. The first week was one of the most cock that i've ever got, it seems that everytime i train, i'm not mentally prepared for it. I'm not gonna lie, i wasn't. I hated life there, but what got me through the course was the people who were all there to help each other out. I had to say during the last week, the exercise that we went on was pretty intense. It consisted of 7days in the field, which basically means that we were sleeping in shitting tents, something that we called "hootches" that went up to my knee. So all you could really do was throw your sleeping back down and slip in it, with bare minimum head space. That one night where we were digging trenches was one of the shittiest day of my life. I believe we were digging from 12 midnight till 6 in the morning, and then after breakfast we had to finish the digging. That night was fucking cold as fuck, and it was really wet, people were hallucinating from little to no sleep. Man... one of the hardest things i've gone through. The rest of the exercise was pretty good, even though we ran on very little sleep, i'm glad i made it through. This proves to me that i can overcome hardships at the roughest times.
Honestly, i feel like i can accomplish anything in the world right now. Now that i'm back home, i feel completely lost in my own world. The exercise that we went on was so realistic, grenades and artillery simulators going off and people firing their weapons with blank rounds. Everything is still replaying in my head. I think i might join the reg force, and maybe go to Afghanistan. They tell me that the young one's are the most eager to go serve overseas, a form of patriotism and pride, i'd say. As for now, i'm back to reality. Time to adapt.
Pte Cheng.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
13Days left!

I have officially 13 days before i'm going home, so far 7 candidates already dropped out, we are left with 41 people, which isn't too bad. They tell me that only the weak suffer from pain. So i'm just gonna keep telling myself i'm not going to quit no matter how much i miss my bed, and how much i wanna go home. This is going to be worth it, this year's training was much harder then last year. So much more cock that the instructors give us.
Till then, i have 13 days left till i get back to reality, i'll be looking forward to that.
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Sunday, August 1, 2010
So i'm going to Edmonton in about a day or so. Time flew by really quickly and i hate to say this but, it sucks. Going to miss all of you nikkas, especially the "famriry", the folks and most importantly my bed. It's going to be a rough ride and today i'm just gonna stay home and get my mind together. I believe i'm going to be a changed man once i come home, it'll be fun and it'll be hell. That love/hate situation. Fuck on top of that i have a cold/cough right now, worse time to be sick.
I hope i pass this course. I won't let you nikkas down.
Swagteam is officially mia for a month.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Thursday, July 29, 2010
There's something in the world that we call sacrifice. You know... when you want to make a person happy even if it's taking your own happiness away from you. We all get that feeling and don't bullshit me. It's hard to explain this feeling, in a way you want the best for that particular person, and yet you know how much it hurts just to even provide the state of happiness for them. I know i've been there before. A show of hands of who's actually had to sacrifice their own happiness for someone else's. It's dumb, it really is when the two of you fight. There's no real winner and there's no real loser, i hate to lose but i love to win, all that being said compensating is the best way to conclude things. Yeah we all know in the heat of the moment, things get rough, take a time out, and talking it out is the best answer. So what i'm really trying to say is that, no matter how things get, rough, lovey dovey or whatever it is, sacrifice is what everyone needs to make a relationship work. At least that's what i think.
ps. I'm gone in 3 days, wish the best for me, i'm going to be a changed man.
Private Cheng.
Peace and love.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Friday, July 23, 2010
Light up the sky.
Ever been hurt so many times that you don't know how to feel anymore, some call you emotional, and some may also call you "emotional-less." The thing is we all get hurt, and you all know how long it takes to recover from this pain. So if anything, don't do anything that will make you regret your actions.
I can't wait to leave. Aug 2nd 8am.
I can't wait to leave. Aug 2nd 8am.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Holla Sunshine.
"You call me your baby boy and i can call you my baby girl, maybe we can spend some time, i can be your sunshine."
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Watchout for heartbreakers.
So it has been confirmed!!!!
Im officially leaving on Aug 2 @ 8am, Yeah dont think you wanna take me to the airport that early, because if you had a flight at that time, i don't think would take you to the airport as well. =) Sall good my nikkas.
Canadian Forces Base EDMONTON, HERE I COME.
edit - For those that are nice enough to send me mails, i'll have the address up really soon.
Im officially leaving on Aug 2 @ 8am, Yeah dont think you wanna take me to the airport that early, because if you had a flight at that time, i don't think would take you to the airport as well. =) Sall good my nikkas.
Canadian Forces Base EDMONTON, HERE I COME.
edit - For those that are nice enough to send me mails, i'll have the address up really soon.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Ever since you left, life hasnt been the same. The stories we share, we were very similar in every way, i don't know what broke us apart. Maybe we were against the world, but who the fuck cares? i didn't care, i know i had a big mouth, i told the whole world, i bashed you for what you did, i take blame in everything, but i'm happy when you're happy. It's hard to reach the state of happiness, that whole feeling where a person makes the world goes round, you did it. I can't deny the fact that you were something special. I don't wanna whine anymore, but you're the best.
If you were here today, and experienced everything that i've been through, ill calll you a trooper. Maybe ill tell you a tiny bit of my story, until then, everything is a mystery. I'll stay mysterious, but still call me Mr.Steezy.
Leon, Pte Cheng
If you were here today, and experienced everything that i've been through, ill calll you a trooper. Maybe ill tell you a tiny bit of my story, until then, everything is a mystery. I'll stay mysterious, but still call me Mr.Steezy.
Leon, Pte Cheng
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Saturday, July 10, 2010
I realized that i'm not doing myself a favor, i keep doing poorly in school, and i work at a low end job where isn't much room for advancement. What am i doing? I work a part time job to keep my pockets with spare change, to buy things i need or want. I'm stuck in school not enjoying a single minute of it, maybe i go to school because i'm forced to. Hopefully soon enough i'll enjoy the things i'm doing, perhaps a better job, and a better text book that i'm going to be reading.
Anyhow, pretty happy with my purchase..

And IMO, these are cooler then wayfarers but it took a while to pull that trigger on these, because wayfarers are just as sick.
Anyhow, pretty happy with my purchase..
And IMO, these are cooler then wayfarers but it took a while to pull that trigger on these, because wayfarers are just as sick.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Look outside the circle and tell me what you find.
So I haven't been blogging as much lately because there's nothing really much going on in my life at the moment. It's basically work and go out and then repeat that all over again. Work felt really chill today because there were no managers working, everything felt too chill and my asshole manager isn't around for the next 2 days. Happy happy.
There's nothing like Cold beer and ice cream on a nice night like this.
Gonna donate blood tmr. =)
There's nothing like Cold beer and ice cream on a nice night like this.
Gonna donate blood tmr. =)
Thursday, July 1, 2010
I've got a situation.
Like Mike from Jersey Shore says, "I've got a Situation."
So why are you people so fake? Why can't you tell a person you don't like them, straight up? If you don't like them, then by all means, don't talk to them, don't associate yourself with them, but when you talk more shit about them yet you don't do anything about it, then we've got a situation. How hard is it to tell a person you don't like them? If you think they're annoying then say it straight up, let that person know, let them realize that maybe they are doing something wrong. I don't understand this whole concept of talking behind someone's back. Yeah, i have to admit i have done that before, it's quite stupid actually, so i guess i learned my lesson. You should too. For whatever reason, why do you even still hang out with them, if you dislike them in any way? People say that, "treat others like how you want to be treated," i treat ya'll with respect, i try not to badmouth you people and cause minimal chaos, but what am i getting back? Don't call me a bro, if you don't really treat me like one. I know ya'll are talking shit and making me famous, good job, i'm almost up on the headlines. This might be some sort of misconception, but what from i hear and see, you're fake and you're shady.
So why are you people so fake? Why can't you tell a person you don't like them, straight up? If you don't like them, then by all means, don't talk to them, don't associate yourself with them, but when you talk more shit about them yet you don't do anything about it, then we've got a situation. How hard is it to tell a person you don't like them? If you think they're annoying then say it straight up, let that person know, let them realize that maybe they are doing something wrong. I don't understand this whole concept of talking behind someone's back. Yeah, i have to admit i have done that before, it's quite stupid actually, so i guess i learned my lesson. You should too. For whatever reason, why do you even still hang out with them, if you dislike them in any way? People say that, "treat others like how you want to be treated," i treat ya'll with respect, i try not to badmouth you people and cause minimal chaos, but what am i getting back? Don't call me a bro, if you don't really treat me like one. I know ya'll are talking shit and making me famous, good job, i'm almost up on the headlines. This might be some sort of misconception, but what from i hear and see, you're fake and you're shady.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Wednesday, June 30, 2010.
It costs you nothing to spend time with someone. Or does it? You may be spending your valuable time on someone who will never give back what you are giving and will never be as loyal to you as you are to him or her. Your spare moments are special, Scorpio, and should be used to make yourself happy, to get ahead in life, and to maintain connections with people who are important to you. Don't feel bad about being a little bit selfish with your time. Save your time for someone who is as good to you as you deserve.
So yesterday i got a phone call from my platoon leader and he told me that i will be not going to Alberta for training. The reason being that the course was way too overloaded and i couldn't get on, but i will be on the priority list for August.
Pros - Chilling in Vancouver, with a shitty work schedule which gives me more time to hang out with different people.
Cons - No work = no money, and a change of plans means that there will more "cons" later on.
I really wish i got loaded onto the course. Plans are ruined now.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010.
It costs you nothing to spend time with someone. Or does it? You may be spending your valuable time on someone who will never give back what you are giving and will never be as loyal to you as you are to him or her. Your spare moments are special, Scorpio, and should be used to make yourself happy, to get ahead in life, and to maintain connections with people who are important to you. Don't feel bad about being a little bit selfish with your time. Save your time for someone who is as good to you as you deserve.
So yesterday i got a phone call from my platoon leader and he told me that i will be not going to Alberta for training. The reason being that the course was way too overloaded and i couldn't get on, but i will be on the priority list for August.
Pros - Chilling in Vancouver, with a shitty work schedule which gives me more time to hang out with different people.
Cons - No work = no money, and a change of plans means that there will more "cons" later on.
I really wish i got loaded onto the course. Plans are ruined now.
Monday, June 28, 2010
That was quite a show.....
You see... I made an effort to do everything, maybe i tried too hard and tried too hard to do it all. I hate to loose in a game like this and you know what? I can't admit defeat. Defeat is not something you want to admit in a game like this. If you know what i mean....
Man how dumb can i be?

Man how dumb can i be?
Friday, June 25, 2010
Alright so i can't wait till July 5th, i still haven't got my confirmation, so i'm not 100% sure i'm going yet. Whatever, they'll call probably a few days before july 5th to tell me i'm on course, and peace OUT. Seems like everyone is gone for July, i guess i won't miss much eh? Really can't wait to hit up the clubs in Edmonton and meet new people again. Hopefully, there's gonna be Chinese people there, "Us Chinese stick together."
Sigh.... harsh failed. She ain't interested eh?
Sigh.... harsh failed. She ain't interested eh?
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Swag on the trillionz
So today i went to Livestock sale and i'm pretty satisfied with my purchases. Kinda fucked up on the tshirt though because it's kinda too fitted on me so i needa exchange FML.... Anyway next week is going to be workaholic week, i'm working approximately 37hours. Four 8hrs shifts in a roll, Mon-Thrus. Good game ya'll, gonna be running on Redbull.

fuck my white balanced is fucked on my camera 3
fuck my white balanced is fucked on my camera 3
Friday, June 18, 2010
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Fly away.
"Don’t say what you’re thinking, and don’t be too quick to act on what you think. Be friendly to people but don’t overdo it. Once you’ve tested out your friends and found them trustworthy, hold onto them. But don’t waste your time shaking hands with every new guy you meet. Don’t be quick to pick a fight, but once you’re in one, hold your own. Listen to many people, but talk to few. Hear everyone’s opinion, but reserve your judgment. Spend all you can afford on clothes, but make sure they’re quality, not flashy, since clothes make the man—which is doubly true in France. Don’t borrow money and don’t lend it, since when you lend to a friend, you often lose the friendship as well as the money, and ...borrowing turns a person into a spendthrift. And, above all, be true to yourself. Then you won’t be false to anybody else." -Shakespeare: Hamlet
Sunday, June 13, 2010
I don't....
I don't need any girls to tell me that i'm weird.
I don't need any girls to tell me i can't wear my polo inside out.
I don't need any girls to tell me that i'm lame and my jokes are stupid.
I don't need any girls to tell me that i'm gay.
I don't need any girls that be stuck up all day..
I don't need any girls that are bitches day and night.
I need a girl that can do whatever and be themselves, most importantly they're not afraid to speak their mind and be different amongst the crowd. Just do you and i'll do me, keep it simple, because I ain't down for drama right now.
Last of all, don't be a fucking dumbass, knock some sense into yourself.
I don't need any girls to tell me i can't wear my polo inside out.
I don't need any girls to tell me that i'm lame and my jokes are stupid.
I don't need any girls to tell me that i'm gay.
I don't need any girls that be stuck up all day..
I don't need any girls that are bitches day and night.
I need a girl that can do whatever and be themselves, most importantly they're not afraid to speak their mind and be different amongst the crowd. Just do you and i'll do me, keep it simple, because I ain't down for drama right now.
Last of all, don't be a fucking dumbass, knock some sense into yourself.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Riding Solo
5 types of women i would like to marry.
So I was reading an article earlier about "what type of women would you like to marry." Here is my contribution:
A Movie Star
Audrina Patridge. I've always had a crush on her ever since the first season of the Hills, don't ask me why. I have my reasons, she's just fine as hell.
Oh man if i ever get sick i wouldn't have to wait in the doctor's office to get a check up. "Instant prescription" is how i do. Whatever, scratch that, she'll cure any kinda sickness I'd have.
A Chef
No questions asked. Why? Because she'll be the perfect house wife material. Who needs a sandwich now, she can make way more then just a sandwich. I've always been a fan of girl's that cook, I find it super attractive when it comes down to that.
A Model
Realistically, who really doesn't want their wife to be a model? We all know that models have great features, so who needs a poster when we have a wife that's a model? Correct?
A girl with a great sense of style is always a plus. She can help me pick what to wear every single day. Win.
A Movie Star
Audrina Patridge. I've always had a crush on her ever since the first season of the Hills, don't ask me why. I have my reasons, she's just fine as hell.
Oh man if i ever get sick i wouldn't have to wait in the doctor's office to get a check up. "Instant prescription" is how i do. Whatever, scratch that, she'll cure any kinda sickness I'd have.
A Chef
No questions asked. Why? Because she'll be the perfect house wife material. Who needs a sandwich now, she can make way more then just a sandwich. I've always been a fan of girl's that cook, I find it super attractive when it comes down to that.
A Model
Realistically, who really doesn't want their wife to be a model? We all know that models have great features, so who needs a poster when we have a wife that's a model? Correct?
A girl with a great sense of style is always a plus. She can help me pick what to wear every single day. Win.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Hello Hello baby you called, i can't hear a thing.
Sunday, June 6, 2010
too fucked.
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Recently i've been hitting rock bottom in my financial needs. I feel fucking broke every time i go out with friends or whatever it is that has to do with money. My dad's been asking me for money recently and i just keep giving it to him, how can i say no? Even though half that money i give him was from my student loan, what can i do? Honestly, i can't say no, no matter how bad i want to.
I hate the feeling of feeling broke, it feels like i'm living off paycheque to paycheque. This is horrible, someone save me? There's a too much weight on my shoulders right now.. FML
AND go fuck yourself, you know who you are.
I hate the feeling of feeling broke, it feels like i'm living off paycheque to paycheque. This is horrible, someone save me? There's a too much weight on my shoulders right now.. FML
AND go fuck yourself, you know who you are.
Friday, June 4, 2010
Favorite Girl
You're who i'm thinking of, and girl you're my runner up. And no matter what you're always number one.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Thrusday june 3
The longer you allow yourself to stay in a bad relationship - one that has negative affects on your happiness and your ambition - the harder it will be to climb out of the rut it puts you in. If someone in your life brings out the worst in you, or often makes you feel gloomy or cynical, then why are you wasting your time with this person? If it's out of a sense of obligation, then you better face the fact that your first obligation should be to yourself. Don't stand for getting less than you deserve.
The longer you allow yourself to stay in a bad relationship - one that has negative affects on your happiness and your ambition - the harder it will be to climb out of the rut it puts you in. If someone in your life brings out the worst in you, or often makes you feel gloomy or cynical, then why are you wasting your time with this person? If it's out of a sense of obligation, then you better face the fact that your first obligation should be to yourself. Don't stand for getting less than you deserve.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Those days... Those Memories...

So i finally got my Blood Donor card, and i found out that i have O+ blood type. I'm looking forward to donating more blood in a couple weeks, not because i get free cookies and juice but because i feel like i'm giving something back to the world. So before i leave for Alberta and get my tattoo, my goal is to donate some blood, who's down to donate some blood?
Looking back, i don't know if we'll ever be friends again. It's something i cannot explain. What can i do? I tried my best to ties things up, things may never be the same, and it might be better off this way. I never asked for anything in return, no rewards, no cookies, no brownie points, i just wanted to make you feel special. I guess you can call it exclusive, if you will. I'm entirely satisfied with whatever i have right now. "Thanks for everything."
It's June the 1st, and i'm off to a brand new start. I'm "up" after being "down" for so long.
Sunday, May 30, 2010
So my younger sister's graduation is around the corner, and as days go by i still reminisce those highschool days. Sometimes those flashbacks brings us those good memories that we cherish and it seems like its been forever since i graduated, which was almost exactly a year ago. A lot of things changed, it seems like i never talk to my highschool friends anymore. I don't know what happened but ever since graduation, i never really kept in touch with any of them, even those so-called "bestfriends" had their own lives and was too busy with themselves. This weekend has almost come to a conclusion, despite the fact that it was a sober week, everything went accordingly. Things are now different, and i'm on the lookout again.

Friday, May 28, 2010
Through the days that we met, i've noticed one single thing. That smirk. That smirk felt so real yet it was so fake from behind. That smirk was like an A-grade Louis Vuitton Fakie. I realized that, no matter how much shit goes down, your family will always be your family. Even if its from the help of a slap to the face or whatever that goes along those lines. I hate being fake, it's not in my dictionary. I try to be as real as things can be, i speak my mind and if people don't appreciate it, then by all means go ahead and tell me that i'm a retard or an idiot. I wish that sometimes people weren't so stuck up and really mean what that say, because in the end you can smell a lie even if its miles away. I'm going to be real with you, i didn't do all this because i wanted something back in return, i did it because it was in our best interest to not have that drama. So for those that know what i'm tryna interpret, i hope you all understand where i'm coming from.
Call me the bad guy, i'll take all the blame, but please, don't lie to yourself. Believe what you see with your own eyes, although you may be influenced by what you hear from others, take caution.
You're going to want to drink up, smoke up, do all sorts of things to take this pain away, but realize that you did this to yourself. Maybe go cry me a river and i'll maybe show some sympathy.
I'm done my time here, moving on and letting the past stay in the past. Deleted.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Swagteam Photo Shooting Session.
Alright I'm to get back into photography and i need some suggestions and ideas for the Photo shoot. I'm thinking of somewhere along downtown, maybe Blood Alley or some park/alley/parking lot. Looking to do this in maybe August, so let me know what you all want to do, and give me some dates, so i can work around people's schedules. This will be fun guys.
"Let the good times roll'. "
And one more thing, rock that heat, bring your A game ya'll. Most importantly, rock it with swag please.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Sooner or later.
Sooner or later, we will get hurt. Hurt by those people who we thought would have our backs and help us through the rough patches down the road. People that we thought were "family"that comes and breaks down our barrier. I call this reality. I finally believe that sometimes our best-friends will be our worse enemy. The people that you put so much trust in and so much time to develop that relationship, becomes so hostile. I learned not to believe and trust people so easily anymore, it's best if we all see it within our own eyes first. I'm completely not in sync the last few days, things are starting to bother me, people are not being real and it's not fair. Please don't give me the bullshit of "life is not fair." I've heard that a billionaire times. Maybe if we didn't have such a high expectation then we wouldn't end up with such a big disappointment.
And in regards to my "emo" blog entries and status updates, if you don't like it, ignore it. No one is asking for you to sympathize me, and i'm not either. So don't come up to me and tell me all this bullshit about how emo i look and i'm asking for people's sympathy. I'm writing about how i feel and what my mind speaks. And again if you don't like it, then fuck off. Easy as 1,2,3. I'm not gonna write about anymore of that shit, saying how much i miss you and all that homo/emo shit. As one would say "just act like you don't even care," it's for the best.
Talk all the shit you want, I don't care anyway.
I'm done.
And in regards to my "emo" blog entries and status updates, if you don't like it, ignore it. No one is asking for you to sympathize me, and i'm not either. So don't come up to me and tell me all this bullshit about how emo i look and i'm asking for people's sympathy. I'm writing about how i feel and what my mind speaks. And again if you don't like it, then fuck off. Easy as 1,2,3. I'm not gonna write about anymore of that shit, saying how much i miss you and all that homo/emo shit. As one would say "just act like you don't even care," it's for the best.
Talk all the shit you want, I don't care anyway.
I'm done.
Monday, May 24, 2010
"We've been together now and girl it's been awhile
Ain't seen that smile on your face
Tell me what could it be, cause I know that it ain't me
Could something be in the way
I feel like losin' it
Straight up callin' it quits.. I wish I can, but I can't
Cause something's telling me without you I won't be half the man that I was... "
Sigh.. why did i have to found out.. i knew it all along.
I don't know how i should feel right now. Sad? Mad? Frustrated? Upset? Content? Happy? Grateful? Regretful? Disappointed?
There's so many things running through my head, i can't sleep, i see the inner goods in you, but yet you still broke that very last hope in me. I don't know what to even say or who to speak to. Friends are there to look out for you, to tell you what's going on, honestly i feel really betrayed.
You always see a way to break me free from my cage, a cage that is so strong that only your love can break through. This cage is a complete disaster until the very end, no one can see how it will it end up, but hopefully we'll see only the positive attributes of it. This cage may completely tear you up, or can make you a stronger, a better person. We all pay a price for the lessons we learn, whether its through spending money, seeing the differences between fake and real and/or experiencing everything without a whisper through the lips of a friend. All in all remember this, "You can loose money chasing bitches but you can't loose bitches chasing money."
I've completely learn this life felt lesson through the hard way, time to start thinking ahead and make better decisions. First off, figure out what you want, then chase those goals and dreams.
Private cheng is out.
I don't know how i should feel right now. Sad? Mad? Frustrated? Upset? Content? Happy? Grateful? Regretful? Disappointed?
There's so many things running through my head, i can't sleep, i see the inner goods in you, but yet you still broke that very last hope in me. I don't know what to even say or who to speak to. Friends are there to look out for you, to tell you what's going on, honestly i feel really betrayed.
You always see a way to break me free from my cage, a cage that is so strong that only your love can break through. This cage is a complete disaster until the very end, no one can see how it will it end up, but hopefully we'll see only the positive attributes of it. This cage may completely tear you up, or can make you a stronger, a better person. We all pay a price for the lessons we learn, whether its through spending money, seeing the differences between fake and real and/or experiencing everything without a whisper through the lips of a friend. All in all remember this, "You can loose money chasing bitches but you can't loose bitches chasing money."
I've completely learn this life felt lesson through the hard way, time to start thinking ahead and make better decisions. First off, figure out what you want, then chase those goals and dreams.
Private cheng is out.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
shorty's love is like a pyramid
"Like a pyramid, lemme show you...that i love you so much, that we gon' get thru. Even when there's storm, i will never go, imma be the one to keep you safe."
Today was a complete day, even though it started out as bunk, the night got better.
Went to Metro to chill wid kevin and kathleen for a bit and then met up peeps to go to lena's karaoke party. Hahah it got pretty good till the end, when people started getting tipsy and drunk. I swear, no one sings when you're sober. It's a rule. LOL. Liquor on the other hand, clears up everything. I had a good night. Let's hope that everything will be better again. Are we just friends or can we ever be more then that?
Friday, May 21, 2010
Straight up
Remember how hard it was to move on from "that girl"? That girl, that you thought you would marry at one point in your life, that one girl that you thought could make "crazy babies" with. That girl that dropped your world and crushed your heart without even thinking it through, she had that power to do everything you could think of. Maybe things might get better as things progress, only time will tell. Remember that i'm only one call away, having to tell you that you never call me up to even tell me how you're doing.
"Don't worry about a thing" is something i never want to hear from you, I don't want to hear that bullshit over and over again.
"Don't worry about a thing" is something i never want to hear from you, I don't want to hear that bullshit over and over again.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Monday, May 17, 2010
"Just say what you mean and mean what you say. Don’t expect someone to read your mind and don’t play games with heads or hearts. Don’t tell half truths and expect trust when the full truth comes out; half truths are no better then lies. Don’t be cold to someone you care about; indifference hurts more than angry words."
Saturday, May 15, 2010
So what i heard was entirely true. The worse feeling is what your friends are telling you and then it becomes reality.
The worse feeling is that you don't realize that you're getting played until the very end.
Nigga, please?
"She tells me she wants to be a raindrop. She doesn’t mind falling, as long as she’s not alone. And raindrops, are never alone. She always has a new story to tell me. Today it’s about being a raindrop. I wish I could of been there, because stories aren’t always enough and words, could only go so far. This is me. Sometimes I wonder if she’s still talking to me or if I’m just.. Eavesdropping. Use to be everyday, sometimes for hours, sometimes for minutes. Healthy relationships are based on communications. But her words, however sweet, so real, sound so distant? Now they float past me, effortlessly, as if.. They were meant for someone else."
The worse feeling is that you don't realize that you're getting played until the very end.
Nigga, please?
"She tells me she wants to be a raindrop. She doesn’t mind falling, as long as she’s not alone. And raindrops, are never alone. She always has a new story to tell me. Today it’s about being a raindrop. I wish I could of been there, because stories aren’t always enough and words, could only go so far. This is me. Sometimes I wonder if she’s still talking to me or if I’m just.. Eavesdropping. Use to be everyday, sometimes for hours, sometimes for minutes. Healthy relationships are based on communications. But her words, however sweet, so real, sound so distant? Now they float past me, effortlessly, as if.. They were meant for someone else."
Friday, May 14, 2010
So I definitely paid my dues. I feel that by giving my dad money when times are tough made a difference in all sorts of ways. And no I don't feel sad about it at all, this means that I won't be buying my supreme in the next few months.
Sigh, why do things have to be so rough right now? I wish i could just go off to Afghanistan and leave all the problems back at home.
Sigh, why do things have to be so rough right now? I wish i could just go off to Afghanistan and leave all the problems back at home.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Talk about degrading. It's funny how some people can be so degrading, and the easist way to do that is by getting all slutty with guys. I knnow you girls wanna have fun and shit but have some self respect for yourself. Seriously. Don't degrade yourself when you can do much better, it's harder for guys who actually care for you to respect you in a deeper way. Think hard about what you did girl, its gross.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Friday, May 7, 2010
I hate my life right now.
Dear Mom and Dad,
Sorry Mom and Dad, but i chose not to go to school this semester because i really wanted some time off to think about the shit i need to do in my life. I want to finish basic training for army so i'm going away for a month, i want to explore and learn more about life. But why the fuck did you have to cut off my cellphone line? Just because i'm not going to school? It's not a legitimate reason, and i know i'm wasting some time right now by not going to school, but i have no motivation or concentration to do continue right now, so i'm going to postpone it to next semester. You won't understand how i feel right now, but i fucking hate your guts, you're always like this to me. I fucking hate you so much, if i see you even at the mall, don't say hi to me because you don't deserve to be called my mother. You're not understanding at all, you turn all the people on my side against me. First you kick me out and we barely even see each other anymore, now you're turning everyone against me making it seem like i'm the one that's doing all the wrongs. You can take everything i have but, one thing you can't take away is my pride. Remember you're my step mother, you're not the who gave me birth and i used to look up to you but i finally realized that you're one manipulative bitch. And you really wanna know why i hate coming home everyday now? It's because my grandparents always bitch at me every night that i come home, and that every night i can't sleep, i blame you. You're the one that gives them another reason to bitch at me for nothing. Hate me or love me, i don't care, let me know when you finally understand how i feel for once.
Your son,
Sorry Mom and Dad, but i chose not to go to school this semester because i really wanted some time off to think about the shit i need to do in my life. I want to finish basic training for army so i'm going away for a month, i want to explore and learn more about life. But why the fuck did you have to cut off my cellphone line? Just because i'm not going to school? It's not a legitimate reason, and i know i'm wasting some time right now by not going to school, but i have no motivation or concentration to do continue right now, so i'm going to postpone it to next semester. You won't understand how i feel right now, but i fucking hate your guts, you're always like this to me. I fucking hate you so much, if i see you even at the mall, don't say hi to me because you don't deserve to be called my mother. You're not understanding at all, you turn all the people on my side against me. First you kick me out and we barely even see each other anymore, now you're turning everyone against me making it seem like i'm the one that's doing all the wrongs. You can take everything i have but, one thing you can't take away is my pride. Remember you're my step mother, you're not the who gave me birth and i used to look up to you but i finally realized that you're one manipulative bitch. And you really wanna know why i hate coming home everyday now? It's because my grandparents always bitch at me every night that i come home, and that every night i can't sleep, i blame you. You're the one that gives them another reason to bitch at me for nothing. Hate me or love me, i don't care, let me know when you finally understand how i feel for once.
Your son,
"It takes a lot to love someone, but it takes a lot more to love yourself; and sometimes loving yourself is better than relying on someone else to love you back the way you want, the way you deserve to be loved back." - anonymous
Amen to that. Sometimes you're truly better off on your own, doing the things you like, and the things you want without any restrictions or limitations. A life made simple once again. I'm lovin' it.
Amen to that. Sometimes you're truly better off on your own, doing the things you like, and the things you want without any restrictions or limitations. A life made simple once again. I'm lovin' it.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
i know what i want.
I made my decision, steeze over girls.
And that's foh sho.
Stack that paper and cop those new ish. And yes i know i'm materialistic, you don't have to remind me.
And that's foh sho.
Stack that paper and cop those new ish. And yes i know i'm materialistic, you don't have to remind me.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Hm, so i've been thinking about my goals for the next few months and years, i thought i'd jot them down so i don't forget...
- become a corporal by next year, fuck the private cheng, it's gon be corporal cheng ;)
- pass training this july
- get a tattoo maybe in august
- gain 15-20 lbs by the end of the year, so 185, hopefully
- gain some more brownie points from her ;)
- cop that dope boy fresh summer gear
- cop that drivers license
- stack that fat dough
- Stop getting C- only C's and above plz.
- no more emo thoughts, gain those happy points
and that's all i can think of from the top of my head for now.
- become a corporal by next year, fuck the private cheng, it's gon be corporal cheng ;)
- pass training this july
- get a tattoo maybe in august
- gain 15-20 lbs by the end of the year, so 185, hopefully
- gain some more brownie points from her ;)
- cop that dope boy fresh summer gear
- cop that drivers license
- stack that fat dough
- Stop getting C- only C's and above plz.
- no more emo thoughts, gain those happy points
and that's all i can think of from the top of my head for now.
Monday, May 3, 2010
What am i doing?
"What am i doing? Oh yeah, that's right. I'm doing me, I'm doing me, just living life right now. And imma do this till it's over, but it's far from over. Yeah."
So the weather sucks right now in Vancouver, it's way too inconsistent. And i believe that it really determines our mood for the day, people seem to be happier when it's sunny. Asides from that i don't have much to say, just doing me and living on with life. April wasn't my month, that's all i can say, it was far from being good. I'm happy to say that i'm back onto the road of redemption, and working my way up there again. Figuring out what a person really want is hard, so let's just say that we take another break and let things roll on it's own, not going to force anything anymore.
The worst feeling in the world is knowing that you've been used and lied to. And that's exactly what i feel like right now. People that aren't being straight up and just saying all that "stuck up" shit to you but from behind they're talking so much trash. Status and reputation.
I need to prepare for this shit mentally, because whatever happens, happens.
Get on it.
So the weather sucks right now in Vancouver, it's way too inconsistent. And i believe that it really determines our mood for the day, people seem to be happier when it's sunny. Asides from that i don't have much to say, just doing me and living on with life. April wasn't my month, that's all i can say, it was far from being good. I'm happy to say that i'm back onto the road of redemption, and working my way up there again. Figuring out what a person really want is hard, so let's just say that we take another break and let things roll on it's own, not going to force anything anymore.
The worst feeling in the world is knowing that you've been used and lied to. And that's exactly what i feel like right now. People that aren't being straight up and just saying all that "stuck up" shit to you but from behind they're talking so much trash. Status and reputation.
I need to prepare for this shit mentally, because whatever happens, happens.
Get on it.
Sunday, May 2, 2010
what would you prefer?
Sigh. I can't help but wait.
Time to suffer the consequences.
Add me on bbm, pin: 213F83DD
Cheng is out.
Time to suffer the consequences.
Add me on bbm, pin: 213F83DD
Cheng is out.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
All about you..
Looking back on the things that we did and when i see how things are right now, it hurts to say that it really seems like closure. Breaking every rule of the game, just to see how things would work out, DID NOT work out unfortunately. So for the next one, i will not break the rule, not even once. And for all those who helped me throughout this rollercoaster ride, you have earned the rights to laugh in my face. No regrets. I'm happy to say that, things ended this way, or else i'd be still giving myself false hope. "I'm glad that you didn't fall inlove me." A very complete yet, meaningful quote. That sums up my entry. I'm not disappointed at all this time, i learned from my biggest mistakes, and i'll do better next time.
I'm happy, now that you're happy with your life.
Private cheng is out, time to do my tax returns.
I'm happy, now that you're happy with your life.
Private cheng is out, time to do my tax returns.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
these are the seasons.
Save me from this fight because i'm loosing. Miserably. No matter how many times i overlook this situation i keep going back to where i started from, and no matter how many times my friends tell me to "fuck it" i can't get over the fact that it all happened. This is so hurting, for reals.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
They told me that Money Over Bitches, i told them that Bitches Over Money
I wish we could bring it back to those times where it would be "dope every time we kicked it."
Monday, April 26, 2010
UP and Away
This weekend has been pretty satisfying. Just bumming around and hanging out with some different people. It's been a while since all this shit happened and it seems like i can't describe a single word about what really happened. It happened way too fast, almost as if it was a blur. Feelin like it's almost closure, but yet you want to hold on to everything. Wondering how everything went wrong and reminiscing on the "what ifs, should and could have's." Let me know what you really want in this, i'm tired of just being that person that's always left hanging.
I hate myself.
Pictures over the weekend. Enjoy =)

I hate myself.
Pictures over the weekend. Enjoy =)
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