Thursday, December 15, 2011

Mind at ease

I'm in the stage where, I feel like I've grown up so much. I'm not the immature Leon that everyone knew. I'm the 'grown up Leon' that everyone wants to me to be - at least what my parents want me to be. I've made plans to move out. I've been thinking about this forever. I don't think anyone of you might know this but, life's been tough lately. As stupid as it sounds, everything's different now, and sometimes you can't even trust your own family members. I can say this because I sometimes feel used; even by the closest people I've HAD.

Lately, I've been hanging out with a different a crowd. A crowd that has helped me grow up. It's not always about the best parties you're going to or the kinda drugs you did over the weekend anymore. Mind at ease, I can definitely say. But most importantly, mind on my money. I don't care about relationships or anything else in between, I wanna get that paper.

Notice that I've been using, the word "I" a lot throughout this entry? I have finally realized that I have to love myself before loving others, I don't care about putting my happiness before others anymore. I want to do me, and I want myself to be happy first.

A lot has happened over the Summer and Fall, with school being out of the way for past 2 semesters, I feel that I need go back to school now. I actually miss studying, I miss writing papers, I miss reading textbooks. I'm not lying. Reality is setting back into place, with one thing on my mind. Determination. I've failed, I've cried, I've been heart broken, now all I know is that I need to succeed.

I'm happy to say one thing. Maturity comes with age and experience. No matter how upset or frustrated I get at myself for failing, I know that one day I'll pick myself back up and walk this road with success.

I know I can do it.
Priorities have changed and so has life.

"Hoping for the best, preparing for the worst."

Friday, June 3, 2011

In with the new, out with the old.

There are times where i feel like i need a girlfriend. Someone that will keep me company for hours, days, etc. And there are also times where i feel like a girl will only hold me back to the things that i want to do. I miss how i used to always have someone to talk to. Either way, there's always "pros and cons" to a relationship, it doesn't even have to be a boyfriend/girlfriend kinda thing.

When it comes, it will come. Just keep waiting, be patient, don't settle for less and remember what you're worth.


Thursday, April 7, 2011

Been a while....

too busy for this shit.

Holla whenever i wanna.

Thursday, January 6, 2011


If only if i was still with you... Youd make me a better person. Dam

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Student. Steezed. Amateur Photographer. Part-time Hero.