went to metro to chilll for a bit and then went to kaki's little christmas gathering! yayaya
funfunfunfun, everyone's a winner =)
Fucking dog...
Yeah i go to the washroom to check it out.. i hate your fucking dog...... what the hell?
Oh yeah and this is on my wish list baby..
You know what to get me for christmas now.
Went to grouse for some boarding action, believe it or not its actually my 3rd time up there.
And it's pissing because i cant carve properly and i keep falling.
And i went with noobs that were noob-er then me and were too "(insert p-word)" to go on the trails, which wasn't bad at all.
And i lost my fucking beloved ipod. Sigh, i rather loose my cellphone then my ipod.
Music is my life.
Anyhow some snaps i took:
You always need a fit pic for this(bad pic, but whatever)
Yeah thats my board on my snapsack.
Sea bussed to grouse
I'm suprised how many people actually take public transit to get up there, its superly cheap.
For those that look like they're still 18 and never hit puberty but you're really 25 years old. Get the youth pass, they dont check jack shit.
I love the view man, its just awesome..
Only if you were here to experience this with me.. LOL =D
Man it just doesnt get better then this, the wind and snow is blowing in your face 5km/h, feels good none the less.
It doesnt get any better....
fall down face first and then you reward yourself with some FAMOUS AMOS cookies ;)
Trails are fucking scary, when it's your first time up there in 2years.
One nice ass view.
.... pictures explain a milion words
And now time for the Sunday Leon special, HAHAH! JOKES.
Never knew snowboarding could be this tiring. It's actually not bad going down the traiils yourself.... atleast you dont get made fun of when you fall 10000000 times... But random people who are passing by on the lifts are probably laughing hAHA!
Fun day overall, but just sad i lost ipod, something that could be easily prevented.
Sigh... IPod touch or Ipod nano?
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