HAHAHA corny ass line..... but Weather girl is such a good song. Go download that!!
My charmander is 50% done. I gotta coat it now...
He has EYES! At last.. =D
Today was fcked up for me. COMPLETELY.
Im not saying this V-neck tshirt is super expensive, but what pisses me off is:
You rock this tee like twice and then you fucking dirty it. Not to mention it got on my fking headphones as well FUCK.
Yeah bleach right? fuck that shit.. i'm about to throw this piece of shit out .....
And holy fucking shit.
Went to work out at Killarney because KATTT ditched me... meanie..... but wahtevers
So i go in and "try" to pay, but the receptionist goes "YOu need orientation and you have to get your parent signature" So i borrow Billy's bike and rush home and then i just fake all the signature." And while i was riding on the bike i scraped my leg from the back.
So i get back to the community center and that bitchasss lady's like oh the supervisor at the gym is on her break now. SO WTFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF?
Fastforward.. i jsut ignored her and walked into the gym and someone just gave me their " green armband" so i could works out.........
THe end.
I'm going to respect the decisions you've made......but please keep your promises.
Through this experience i've learned a valuable LIFE lesson. To take control of yourself.
This is exactly what i'll do. You rushed it, i tried to take it slow, i guess it wasn't what you wanted.
Enough said, i don't want to whine like a little girl anymore.
I'm soo confused.. i don't know where i went wrong.
Watduh HELL?
ew @ your scrape.
thats gotta sting in the shower LOL
goodluck leon.
Thanks..... for the song LOL =)
Goodluck with your "DATE" LOL AHHAHA
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