Tomorrow will be the last monday ever and ever for my highschool days. Shit it just feels soo weird, as much as i hate to complain like a girl, but i can't just get over the point that we're graduating. I remember last year looking up to the grade 12's when i was in grade 11, it was kinda hard to see the grade 12's leave. Some might go to school to pursue their dreams, others might just stick around go find an $8 an hour job for their rest of their life, i mean $9 an hour** maybe $10 if you're lucky. Whatever makes no difference. Sometimes i wish i was white, they have it the easy way out, yanno? Being asian, more specifically chinese is pretty darn lame. Our chinese parents only care about university and nothing else. I hate this. After all i'm pretty "white wash" don't you think? =P
This weekend was pretty wasted, but it was pretty chilling. I actually save money from not eating out so often. And currently i don't even know if i'll be going to training camp this july, cause those people aren't sure if there's a course running. FUCKING LAME. Fucking last minute, if i don't go to training camp i'll probably go to summer school + work a parttime job.

"it's you and me, we're moving at the speed of light!"

It's too soon, this isn't cool anymore.

And only if you were there to sit with me on the bench... LOL

It's cheap but it gets the job done!
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