And this, i got this customized, the authentic ones i have is pretty darn ugly so i'm not gonna wear it out, but for this one i'mma rock it with pride.
"heart & soul," Haha, i needed another line to fill up the spaces.
And again i got this because i thought it was cool. You know how those guys wear blank dog tags, i thought that was kinda stupid. Why not wear something that's personalized and wear because it means something to you not because it accomdates your whole outfit. Okay i was kidding about how it's kinda cool, but honestly if you've had some military experience i think you're legitmate to "rock" one of these around your neck.
And just when i thought people would be interested in going to playland this coming weekend/week, no one wants to go. Damn, i bought a pair of tickets too, anticipating that some of you would wanna go there for a day and chill outs. These things last me until september, before they're expired and they won't work the last week of August and first week of september. So let me know if you're downnnnnn to go.
Yesterday, was one of those days that i felt like i had to treat my family for some all you can eat sushi. Well not so much that i felt like it, but because i promised them before i left for camp that i'll bring em' out for sushi. Eh $120 for 5 people, not bad heck it's not even about the money anymore, it's how i used it. It was my first time actually treating my family to some good food rather than the typical mcdix because i got 50% off. Not a penny did i regret, for that meal.
I can't wait until i get my go-card and my student id for Langara, it'll be one of those days where i'll probably meet some people through random encounters again. There's nothing worse than making new friends when you're thinking that you're loosing some. Hah. Happiness has reached it's fullest. I mean when some of you talk about how you're never happy with whatever you're doing, why can't we look on the brighter side? It's easy to say but i think it's easy to do so as well. Quit listening to those "emo-ass" songs and do something productive that will get you somewhere in life rather than just sit around and wait for things to happen to you.
And lastly, it began with the what if and ended with the could have's.
That's all i gotta say,
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