Sunday, August 30, 2009

On an educated guess, you thought you won, but you lost girl.

Dear dairy,

It's funny how guys could fight and have beef with each other throughout high school. On a single night everything would be all good again after graduating. I guess the only solution to this is drinking with each other. Yesterday was a night, where everyone and everything was just laid back, nothing to worry about. I wish there were more days like these. Hopefully they'll be a lot more of these once i start college.

I'm pretty happy that she invited me to go to a party with her and pne, however i didn't really bother so i denied both invites. Nonetheless, i know she will never go out with me in on serious date, i think i might be too immature for her and she might be too old and high maintenance for me. Sometimes things just don't work out for whatever reasons. I believe friendzone is as far as i go. The end is the start to a new beginning, so why not leave a good impression regardless of what the result is. She's cool and i'm kinda cool too, lets just leave it like this.

After 3good games of basketball, i finally realize that losing 3 games in a roll was pretty disappointing. I thought i had it all along, but every close clinch second i loose the game.
What i'm tryna say is, everytime i think i have a grasp of something, i always let it slip away because i don't hold onto it tight enough. Something i gotta work on.... sigh

Private Cheng.

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