So lately i've been up to absolutely nothing, my tests are finally over, can't wait for my midterms. I don't even know what to write for my term papers yet, i have one for phil and one for crim. SOMEONE HELP ME THINK OF A REALLY GOOD CRIM TOPIC. This bullshit is due beginning of next month, this is jack shit.
Although it's saturday my weekend is almost coming to an end. Sunday's gonna be work for me, an d a little bit of reading. Hung out with Angel pretty much the whole week. She's cool, haha thanks for talking to me after 12321312312 years.
Nightmarket, was pretty whack today. It felt like gr10 all over again, drama. Aren't "hang-outs" suppose to be fun and free-spirited(is that even a word?)? However it wasn't the case today, i don't understand why some people get upset so easily. If you can't take a joke, might as well sit at home and watch some family guy. One word, WEAKSAUCE. And it's sad to see that night market being so quiet today, one of the unusual weeks for nightmarket to be quiet, but i wouldn't blame people for not coming on such a cold night.
Friday, was a little better actually. It was actually pretty fun. Hung out with angel again, and a few of her cute girlfriends. Went to Downtown and then English bay to sit around. Shortly everyone left because they're so fucking "lg" and had curfews at 4pm. Jokes aside. But yeah they're pretty cool. Met up with joe and crew at metro for some all YA'LL can eat.
And i'm never touching grass again, worse experience with that shit. Threw up after eating mcdix. I ended up sitting in the washroom for 45mins, before going back outside. Not cool, not cool.
I sometimes question myself, why do i not have a fucking car....?
So winter's around the corner. Summer loverrrrr where have you beeeeen?? =(((
When i think about the past, i remember it was all a blast.
Fun week overall.
Let's do it up again next week.
Hey ya ladies.
Look at this homo.
She's pretty cool. She's from slovakia, and came 1month ago to Canada.
Homo x2
And yeeee.. gotta look good for thee ladies.
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