Thursday, April 22, 2010

April 22th

happy birthday... april 22, 2010.
I miss you dearly. I wish you were here, i can't explain how much i miss and need you in my life right now....
Hope you're doing well up there.

I need to go on a break and think shit through. DEEPLY. The reason i'm still around is because i believe. I believed every word you told me. Am i hearing a lie right now? I don't know. You start to stop giving 2 shits about things, when you know others don't care. Effort wasted.

Gonna be M.I.A very soon, pte cheng is officially going away for training from july 5th - july 30.
You guys know the deal, send me mails with candy in it, write long text messages, and leave me a message. =)

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Student. Steezed. Amateur Photographer. Part-time Hero.