FUck yeah Gradded. Pretty stoked, 2 weeks left i'm pretty fucking excited to see how things will go down within the next 2 weeks. So yeah been taking LOTSA pics with my camera lately. It's getting frustrating because my pictures look like shit right now. I don't know but i could say that this is my new girlfriend, pretty sad huh? Yes she goes EVERYWHERE with me now, treats me well, sometimes. She takes pictures of me and my friends for me, i mean what more can you ask for?
So the highschool blues are almost coming to a complete end. It makes me sad when i think about how everythings over and there's only test left, and than everyone's gonna do their own thing in the summer. Seriously guys, we need to chill before i leave vancouver for basic training. And remember DON'T have too much fun without me.
In all honesty, pictures really do mean a thousand words. Not just a thousand sometimes, millions, billions, you count it.
Life has beeeen reallly reallly bumpy lately.. But "Glad to Grad"
Yeah bitch, you better slow down. Cause you gon' SOO fast.
Thinking of the hoops and the ball, it bring back those oldschoo' memories.
"Built to last" hopefully.
ANd yeah remember this also? where the school was all surrounded with wired fences? Yeah i remember, so you can't run away! HA!
Im happy my fam and i got in, troublefreee after all. Relief =D
Heart rate = 90000000000
Shitty assss family pic.
HAHA Ms.LEE one of my favorite-est pictures from highschool. Too bad she moved to another school this year. Damn socials 9 and 11 was fun...
I remember on one test she scored me 87% got me soooo worked up =D
Aite aite aite here it is.
Do you SEEE ME?
Dad takes the shittiest pics, choir =D
One of my favorite-est dishes at honolulu....
Malaysian fried rice FTW.
And again, pictures mean a 100000000 words. Honestly, it's countlessss
HAHA! Camera lights ACTION!
My poopie and granpie.
Iuno mang, but my grandma is stuffing me with lotsa money lately. I feel pretty guilty taking her money, and yeah you may say "bullshit" but honestly it feels really weird. She probably knows that her days are almost "coming to an end" and damn she's asking me to take more and more pictures with her lately. Sigh..... This is exactly why i got the camera...
"It's for the memories. Not the hype."
Oh boy oh boy, time to zip up the grad suit and put it aside in my closet. Who know's when i'll have use for it again? But for now, it has served me well. Lets make the remaining days at killarney super rememorable. Kinda regret getting to the orpheum so late, couldn't snap pics with people.
I sometimes wish she was here with me today.. To see me walk on stage.. hah.
And i'm glad that i've developed a passion for photography. Snap pictures whether it's raining, sunshine, angry sauce, happy sauce, or MAD MAD PMS sauce. =) It's alll eyes on you.
Graduation 09, seee you guys in 10. Peace Peace PEACEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
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