SO lately i've been just chilling out and relaxing, and livin' life to the fullest.
However here's the thing, for the whole chapter of Chemistry12, i didn't pay attention. GOod game Good game, and barely did the homework. I hate falling behind and than the next thing you know there's a fucking test on thrusday. Now i gots to cram. You're probably wondering what the hell i'm doing here. My answer would be that i'm just "chilling" again and relaxing before i go back to some more cramming session. Fuck, i wish i didn't get myself into this "mess" it was just like the same ol' "summer lover" thing again, however this ended much quicker. It was like i became soo occupied with whatever i was doing, i had no intention to study and work hard anymore. So much for university, langara it is?
Maybe the easy way out is the best way out.
Final's are coming around the corner. Sigh, soo much for the Friday jammin' and the Saturday kickin'. For the next 2-3weeks it's gonna be intense studying, atleast i hope so.
Soooo ya'll take it easy and rest lots, don't over study, just study and if you fail at least you know you tried, right? For me, i've been sleeping in EVERYDAY now.. LOL, it's becoming a habit, skipping first blocks for day 1(Leadership) and day2 (Service). YOu can consider them boring courses. Heck i can't even sleep earlier than 1am now, such a bad habit to get into. If i sleep too early it feels like that i'm missing out on a lot of things.
For you, i hope you're sleeping tight and dont let the bed bugs won't bite. Maybe put on a jacket or two at night cause it gets soo damn friggin' cold during the night. I've come to realization that i've had my blog for nearly a year. A big freakingg year. Yanno? It's like Obama's celebration for being president for one year, except it just my blog. I went through most of my post within this "1 year" and some of them i don't even remember blogging about. Funny eh? More interesting shit to come, and more fly pictures. Suggestions, ideas, criticism are also welcome, just keep the criticism to a minimum. THANKZ nigz.
So recently i've been reading up some articles and looking through forums for random stuff. I've noticed that people are pretty greedy. Say i'd offer someone 30 dollars for a tshirt on ebay, but he wants 33 and he's dead firm on 33, i'd say that would be a jack move. I would say girls are the same, not mentioning any names and pointing out fingers but i'm speaking as a whole. Girls are fking greedy. Why you may ask...? Alrighties, so girl's they'll always aim for what they want, if they can't get it, they'll do whatever they can to achieve it. Actually everyone is greedy not just girls. Sorry Gal's, but i had to use you as my example. I hope that made sense LOL..
OMG ! Haha im in the exact same situation as you with the not paying attention crap.
im sooo not looking forward for intense hardxcore studying.
fml !!
Hey LG, you sleep too early! LOL.
SLeep later =D
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