Currently just cooling down from intense study for chemistry. Fuck i really hate this chapter. Never gonna touch chemistry in my life again. After all chemistry fucked up my average, great going.
And yeah, i'm thinking of making some Vlog's now because i find that whatever i write is soo freaking repetitive, i need to spice things up a bit. So i'm going to find how to record videos and upload them. If they go well i might upload to youtube.
Thinking about what to sing for Solo-Over-Artist for Choir-ism. 36/7X. So i'l probably be singing on tuesday. These are the songs i have in mind right now, Forever, Leavin', No One Tattoo Where is the love remix by Boyceavenue, and With You.
And right now it's 12;55am as i'm writing this entry. I should be sleeping right now but i think i'm going to skip first block again, just angers me when i think about what i got for 2nd term. Err' one's sooo tired lately i can only wait until june 13th =D... Woot Woot, SKu'z out but intense studying again. Only if smart people didn't exist, that would make my life much easier, but on the other hand what would technology be without them?
And back on track with the life of leon, how boring does that sound..? If you're just wondering i'll give you a few updates.
School - you know the deal already, it's soo damn repetitive everyday wake up at 7.30 or atleast i try to, if not skip first block and wake up at 9.30 and get to class by 10.15. And thennnnn go to class, eat lunch with the lunch buddies and than go home. At home watch tv, surf net, attempt to do homework and than eat dinner watch more tv or go out to mcdix and find some snacks. Maybe workout 2-3times a week if i'm feeling energetic.
Speaking of lunch buddies, i wonder how that will be when we part ways and head to university. Will we ever speak of lunch buddies again? Will we even eat lunch like the way we do now? It's all questions that i don't have the answer to, frankly i don't really want to know either because it won't matter anymore or soon it enough it won't. Everyone's gonna do their own shit, get a sexy job, drive their ferrari's and buy the 2million homes. Heck where will i stand? Maybe on the top of the mountain? HA!
Love - Quite honestly, nothing much really. Just chilling, and "browsing." And you know that line " There's plenty of fish in the sea" it's soo cliche but that's what im doing right now, and i'm search for "her." How about you introduce a few and we'll mingle, perhaps jingle? LOL!
You know after all those disappointments, it wasn't that bad after all, because all in all it has made me a stronger person, it's given me the fire and the attitude of not to just look for that "her" but to dive deep and to see if i'm loosing my dignity and pride just to be with that special "her." I mean, so many people are there just throwing their love life out their, it's soo "available." You know, like one day's its benny falling inlove with jessica, and then benny finds out that jessica is cheating and so on, it just doesn't feel right anymore. AND exclude all those exceptions such as "omfg jessica was my first" or or " she was the finest thing ever to me".
Holy and facebook, hahaha, not to mention a few names, but damn. Freeeek, like just stick with that "guy" and just chill yanno, and stop updating your fking relationship status, friday it's "Johnny LEE" and then on monday it's "Bobby Yeung" yeah you know what and then the next friday it's gonna be fking " Harry Wang" ????? I'm thinking "ATTENTION WHORE" ALERT ALERT.... ANd then when i ask you " WHY THE FUCK DO YOU KEEP CHANGING IT?" Don't give me the answer "We're just playing around." What do you think love's a joke now? Might as well go tell your little brother a riddle that you got off the internet.. Yeah you fuckers, holy@#!@!!! Facebookers with like 231231232131232131312(literally) pictures kinda tick me off to, why not just go make a freaking online album(photobucket or flickr, fyi) so that not everyone has to seee it, your thinking "DONT CLICK ON HER ALBUM THAN!" Well my response to that would be " why not just stop taking pictures soo often of yourself" CAUSE YOU FULL OF IT.... Plus, do we really need to see 20 out of 30 pictures of your face with the infamous honger pose with another few of those random ones..Nigguh shet.
If you feel me, than you got the message. *yes this is freaking bias*
Sorry for the rant but i had to speak up and speak the truth. No offense to anyone in particular, and i mean it =).
Yuckk studying for chemistry, i did that for four hours yesterday. So much shit to remember!
And dont worry about finding a girlfriend or love right now, be patient and it'll come to you :)
Brrrrooo, I love that slow shutter speed photo :D.
HAHAHAHA!!! that thing about facebook and then the girl changing names cracked me up HHAHAH.
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