Monday, August 31, 2009

I got a feeeling....

I got a feeeling tonight's gonna be a good, good night.

Indeed it was, regardless of what happened earlier in the afternoon.
So this whole "gaming" thing is going pretty well for me, i've made lotsa progress since the last time i've actually talked to a girl that i didn't know. ANd i went for my langara upass and student id, didn't make a lot of small talks with people but i will on wednesday when we have our orientation!
Went to Metro today with andrew, went into J2 and damn there was this fine ass chick. I knew she did some sort of modelling thats why she got hired soo quickly by J2 anyway.
So it all went down, i approached her and made a few small talks here and there. IT was like bam, "i got this shit." Overall i got the "facebook-close," next time i'm determined to get a "number-close." It's cool, we made a deal, if i teach her cantonese, she'll go to the movies with me.
HAHA win-win situation for me.

However in another situation, i find it a "lose-lose" situation for me.
I don't know what i'm doing wrong but why you gots to be such a bitch, feels like it's round 2. For fuck sakes, lets replay this and bring it back to round 1. Fuck this. Done.

And today tryna look fly, maybe first time trying throughout the whole summer.

Fuck everytime i get outside of my backyard there's that creepyass lady named amy that keeps eavesdropping on whatever the fuck we do. It's scary, she spies on us too, LITERALLY. I believe she got dumped by her husband and its only her and her dog living in that house. And she was looking out the windows(as always) and seeing what i was doing............. freaks the shit outta me.

CAN'T SEE ME. Oh yeah and i got a haircut, gotta keep that dope fresh stylinz'.

Best of lucks,
Private cheng is out.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

On an educated guess, you thought you won, but you lost girl.

Dear dairy,

It's funny how guys could fight and have beef with each other throughout high school. On a single night everything would be all good again after graduating. I guess the only solution to this is drinking with each other. Yesterday was a night, where everyone and everything was just laid back, nothing to worry about. I wish there were more days like these. Hopefully they'll be a lot more of these once i start college.

I'm pretty happy that she invited me to go to a party with her and pne, however i didn't really bother so i denied both invites. Nonetheless, i know she will never go out with me in on serious date, i think i might be too immature for her and she might be too old and high maintenance for me. Sometimes things just don't work out for whatever reasons. I believe friendzone is as far as i go. The end is the start to a new beginning, so why not leave a good impression regardless of what the result is. She's cool and i'm kinda cool too, lets just leave it like this.

After 3good games of basketball, i finally realize that losing 3 games in a roll was pretty disappointing. I thought i had it all along, but every close clinch second i loose the game.
What i'm tryna say is, everytime i think i have a grasp of something, i always let it slip away because i don't hold onto it tight enough. Something i gotta work on.... sigh

Private Cheng.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

this isn't right, but who cares anyway?

Damn, for work i'm kinda ticked off at the fact that i'm getting no shifts with her whatsoever. So it'll be like impossible to see her. Damn, and fml!
Today i got a text in the morning asking if i wanted to work 1-5.30, without even thinking i said yes because i remembered she said she would work today. So than just about 1.5hr before work starts, my manager tells me that it's actually 7-closing instead. SO FUCK THAT SHIT.

Working at PNE, is hella fun, well it was fun for a bit and than it got really repetitive, but why am i complaining again? My job is so easy that it's not even funny, i'm getting paid $94 a day i believe and $13 for lunch, so that's not bad for just standing around asking kids if they want an airforce tattoo and helping them up onto the trucks. And after i work i even got to go on some of the rides for free, how cool is that?!

September schedule for tuttimelon is pretty gay for me. I'm getting some of the shittiest shifts, the shifts i'm partnered up with will be hella boring.

Welps looking forward to Langara's orientation this coming wednesday. Looking forward to seeing some of you guys there!

Today's party was pretty cool. Thoguht it was gonna be bunk like last time, but damn more and more people showed up, ended up being a pretty GOOD night. Thanks ya'llz.
Anyhow, pretty excited for this coming week, visited her today at work, so it's all good. HAHA.


Wednesday, August 26, 2009

It's not my time.

It's not my time i should say. Not my time to for anything to speak forth.

I have a fellow friend whom tried to help me throughout my family problems that i've been enduring for the last few months, perhaps maybe even years. It's funny because both of us are getting in so much shit, well i don't really know about her but i am getting in too much shit lately.

If you have a time take a moment and read what she had to say :

Thanks for trying to help, Macy! Although there wasn't much done in the end i felt that people are actually trying to help me regardless of what the result is. This is what counts most.
And fuck the "you" because you're soo selfish and stubborn, you never listen to what others have to say, you only listen to yourself.

Enough about that. So the last 2 days of work, or should i say last 3 days was super fun. Time went by intensively quick, for whatever reasons, i feel like i'm actually "growing a pair." Made lots of small talks with random girls that pass by, well i don't know if it's me or whether the it's the attractive green uniform i'm wearing. Nonetheless i've been improving my "game." However in a professional sense, i didn't want to ask for numbers because i am work and i have to act like a professional even though i'm not. LOL, maybe on the last day of tasking i'll go for their numbers.
As a matter of fact, this whole "game" doesn't seem hard to initiate a conversation with girls, but with a shit load of things running through my mind i think it's gonna hold me back from what i wanna do.

For now, let's try to make this "my time."

Monday, August 24, 2009

There's never a right time.

Damn, i had a feeling i'd get in so much shit today. Proceeding through my sleep, my parents opens my door, and comes up and tells me to get up and make me go into their room so we could have a little "argument."
It's funny, i know some of you been asking about why do i have sisters with different last names. It's because we're not from the same parents and we moved in together a few years back. My step mother and i could never get a long, i don't know whats up with that but holy stizz, sometimes i wish things worked out more. Sometimes i wish i could prove myself just a little more, so that i could prove her wrong at least once, but i've always failed to do so. Sometimes, i wish my parents didn't split up, that way there would less family drama. Sometimes i regret the stuff i say and do.

Where is my helping hand when i need one?
I feel like as i'm growing up i'm loosing more friends, as of now i still can't really tell who's true to me and who's fucking with me. It's always a blinded path that i see and from that point on who knows what could happen? Maybe the army didn't change me into a better man after all.

Disappointed is one word to describe my mood.

-- EDIT.
From now one i can trust no one until they prove themselves trustworthy, getting into too much shit already.. good game, thanks for the fuck overs.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

She's outta my life.

Yesterday night was one of the worse nights for me, i couldn't sleep until 4.30am. I don't know what it was but even crying myself to sleep didn't work. I tried to think of all the saddest emo shit possible and it still didn't work. Holy, no homo. Oh yeah, who those that cry yourself to sleep wanna teach me how because it clearly does not work for me.

Looking forward to work, and work marathon begins on Monday until Friday 10:30 - 5:30, and repeat for the following week.

And summer's almost over, i can finally go back to school. YAY? Not. But on the realistic side i'm pretty excited that it's gonna be my first year and i've heard great stories about what happens during freshmen year. Wish me luck, if you know what i mean. ;)

Lastly, can i get to know you again? This time i'll take the lead.


Saturday, August 22, 2009

She's dying on me?

Yeah my girlfriend(MY DSLR CAMERA) is dying.
FUCKING FUCK MY LIFE ALREADY. LOL, k this will be a rant post. If you do not want to read about my rants, please proceed to my last post and read from there on. THANKS

Yeah okay, so yesterday i kinda slammed my camera onto the ground, of course my camera was inside my bag, assuming everything was alright. So today i actually took it out for pictures it looked soo fucked up. WHen i look into the eye piece everything looks soo blurry, but when the picture show up on the display it looks absolutely fine. What the fuck is going on? FUCK....... i hate my life.

Just when something is getting better, there's always something else that cock blocks you and ruins everything in the end. This weekend has been absolutely fabulous. I guess you can say it's "my time." My time to shine that is. If yah know what i mean. I knew my groovey was getting back to me and it already has.
Work was really good today, we talked a lot, and im glad we have a few mutual friends so that's all good. A good way to start, however i know she won't be mine and will never be mine, so i'mma back off now. I don't know but i hope this gives me "PLUS REP" i bought her lunch, it was kinda cool, hah. There was once a girl that told me that, i always used money to "buy" her heart, now that i think about it, it's soo true. ANd this time if i really do blow it, i don't give a shit, because they all say that we only live once.
And that "one" chance is all we really need to prove the world wrong, so puhlease nigguhz.
For now, let's go with the flow and whatever happens, happens.
How about we exchange worlds for one whole day. You tell me about how your life is and i'll tell you about mine, that way we can understand each other maybe just a little bit better, for better or for worse, let's give it a shot?

Summary: All in one sentence to sum it up, i'm putting my A game on, you should too.

"You challenge me for the better."

I need my daily dose of micky DEE


YEE YEEE thats what i shoot.

Back to basics, eating what i like most and no it's not micky dee's.

Yeah okay i took this. YOur new dp bitch.

Kathleen don;t even try hiding because i found you.
Joe stay steezy please.

Mine was better.


Friday, August 21, 2009

Enjoy the moments that you cherish

* i swear if i was flip, i could sing that like*

Today, was a day that i forgot my camera memory card, however i brought my camera out without noticing that i forgot my memory card when i went to playland. It is a very sad thing that i forgot it. But yeee, "it's all in my head." The moments that you cherish will always be kept within, <-- holy shit that sounds so gay. Anyhow, fun day, can't wait to go again. That shit ain't scary to me at all, it's funny a few years ago i'd be scared when i'm actually on the rides and the adrenaline pumps like a mofo, this time it was just "bleh" to me, i wonder what's going on? Working tomorrow 12-5, come visit me and get your free yogurt @ TUTTIMELON from 2-4.

Oh yeah, and my "PUA"( for those who don't know what i means, go check out urban dictionary) journey starts tomorrow. You'll see results, guaranteed bitches. There's no backing down anymore. I'm determined to say that random encounters work best for me, because it'll benefit me in a way that i'll only make me that much better.


Thursday, August 20, 2009

A little bit of this and that.

SO i recently got my tripod and having lotsa fun with it already....

My 3rd pair of APC's... a pair that my grandma WILL NOT ruin ever again.
Got them in a bigger size, for a more relaxed fit.

AND THE PICS FROM the ARMY days.. taken with my phone


This guy drove to Edmonton from Alaska, What a trooper..

In the washroom when i was taking a shitters at the on base cafeteria, i saw this LOLOL....

Good shit.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Hi there.

So she's more than 2 years older than me, shes 4yrs older. FML FML FML FML FML. It's aite, didn't think she was gonna be that young either. And again, FML. SHIT. K move on, end of story. Today at work was pretty boring actually, i thought it would build on from the other day, but as soon as we got to know each other a little bit, things got a little dull. I don't know why that is, but it's just the way things are. Whenever you meet someone new it's always the "omfgwtfbbq" kinda feeling but after you get to know them a little better, it's the total opposite. Agree?

On the bright side, come try some FREEEEE Frozen Yogurt on Saturday 2-4pm. It's absolutely free, but remember it's only original flavour in a size small cup. Check it out.

Next week from Tuesday - Friday 10.30am - 5:30pm, i'll be working at PNE. HAHA, if you see me come say hi.

And..... today i went to the bank to withdraw some money, i look at my receipt and it says $2,3XX. I was like Holyshizzless. I was surprised that the army paid me back that fast, so i got about $270 back in claims and another $800 to pay me in full. Pretty damn happy about that. Time to cop some new stizz. And Woohoo finally invested some money into a tripod, so hopefully from now on my pics will be stunning. Good shit.

Yesterday's family bbq, was pretty chill'. Let the good time's roll..
It'll only be that many years until we'll all move into our own houses and maybe have those gatherings maybe once every 2months.

Enjoy the pics.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

She was only a matter of time.

Yah you know, that whole bubbly feeling when you first meet a girl and then you get her number. Waha, i got her number, but who knows where it'll bring us? I'm so afraid i'll land in friendzone "again." And the fact that she's 2years older puts me a huge disadvantage, and the fact that i don't drive a car is a huge bummer. Overall she's a cool girl, really interesting. I actually don't care whether we'll be friends or we'll be "the you know what." I'm satisfied with whatever the fuck is going on, and who give's a shit if i fail?

The past few days was pretty good for me, went to Revscene's annual "Epic" summer meet on sunday, shit load of hot girls. I hate the average joes with the 8 + / 10 girlfriend. And again i'm looking forward to work tomorrow, even though we never really worked together we'd always see each other, when she gets off work, i'm getting to work. In the end, it's all good.

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Student. Steezed. Amateur Photographer. Part-time Hero.