Saturday, November 7, 2009

Peanut's okay. =)

So my dog, Peanut, fell on my weights last night when he tried jumping onto my bed but somehow he slipped. Kinda funny, but its sad because i just llost $100 taking him to the vet. It's okay he's kinda steezy and it's worth it. eI can't wait until Novmber ends, and than FINALS and than Winter Break. Fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk..............................
I hate life, it's soo boring. Working at Tuttimelon is kinda steezy, the occasional hot girl that walks in WITH her boyfriend. =( Nonetheless, its still good, "yummy" eye candy. So today this chick, kinda eye fucked me for a bit, we made eye contact for probably about 3-4 seconds. <3 But too bad she's taken, man that guy is a stud for getting wit her, i'm jealous.
Well that's it for now, 1 more test to go and 1 more fucking hardass literary paper! FUCK MY LIFE.

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Student. Steezed. Amateur Photographer. Part-time Hero.