Wednesday, March 10, 2010


So i lied. I couldn't hold back not posting on my blog. I express all my feelings and thoughts onto this blog, that it has now become a part of me, it feels like a leg or an arm. The past few weeks have been mediocre i would say, from the emo nights to the happy days. The last time i could recall being happy was when i went shopping, I think i've mentioned this before, but shopping does wonders, you feel like you're on top of everything even if it was the shittiest day for you after a good shopping spree. Now that being said, i have a lot of incomplete thoughts, and pieces of puzzles that don't go together. I've come to conclusion that, it's really hard to find a true friend that will stick it out for you. Yanno those friends, that you talk to for a while and than they just disappear all of a sudden because they got too carried away with whatever they were doing and they forget all about you. After awhile, i still haven't found that "person" that i could click with (no homo), it guess its like a long term investment, you may treat each to mcdonalds, and buy each other gifts on their birthday, spend time talking to each other about life and the ish that's been going on. For guys, it might be a little different than girls, for guys we might have to find it in a form of a girlfriend. I could be completely bias here, but this is my opinion. It's sometimes hard to tell your "bros" about your life, and open up to them, yeah we may drink up and chill with em, but the thing is, it's harder for guys to open up to another guy and tell them your life story, it's homo with a bit of awkward turtle. It's getting late and i'm getting tired, but i feel like it's going to be another restless night. Sometimes over analyzing isn't so bad after all, you see the wider spectrum of things that some people may not see. Please let this weekend be good, i'm soo looking forward to it already. "If you have no expectations, than there won't be any disappointment." Word up.

In time again, i always end up in disappointment, thinking that you'll be there for me when i needed it most, remembering that you said you were "down" and the worse thing is giving myself false hope, knowing that things maybe never happen. As one would say "Expecting the worse, hoping for the best." I'm the last one you should be fooling because i'm not "down" for that kinda bullshit. I'll just have to keep doing my own ish and let things flow. I wish i could go back into time, where girls had cooties and where boys would only play with lego and not associate themselves with the girls whom played with barbies.

Head high, chest out, neck to the collar, look proud. Left, right, left right, left.

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Student. Steezed. Amateur Photographer. Part-time Hero.