Monday, August 24, 2009

There's never a right time.

Damn, i had a feeling i'd get in so much shit today. Proceeding through my sleep, my parents opens my door, and comes up and tells me to get up and make me go into their room so we could have a little "argument."
It's funny, i know some of you been asking about why do i have sisters with different last names. It's because we're not from the same parents and we moved in together a few years back. My step mother and i could never get a long, i don't know whats up with that but holy stizz, sometimes i wish things worked out more. Sometimes i wish i could prove myself just a little more, so that i could prove her wrong at least once, but i've always failed to do so. Sometimes, i wish my parents didn't split up, that way there would less family drama. Sometimes i regret the stuff i say and do.

Where is my helping hand when i need one?
I feel like as i'm growing up i'm loosing more friends, as of now i still can't really tell who's true to me and who's fucking with me. It's always a blinded path that i see and from that point on who knows what could happen? Maybe the army didn't change me into a better man after all.

Disappointed is one word to describe my mood.

-- EDIT.
From now one i can trust no one until they prove themselves trustworthy, getting into too much shit already.. good game, thanks for the fuck overs.

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Student. Steezed. Amateur Photographer. Part-time Hero.