Saturday, August 29, 2009

this isn't right, but who cares anyway?

Damn, for work i'm kinda ticked off at the fact that i'm getting no shifts with her whatsoever. So it'll be like impossible to see her. Damn, and fml!
Today i got a text in the morning asking if i wanted to work 1-5.30, without even thinking i said yes because i remembered she said she would work today. So than just about 1.5hr before work starts, my manager tells me that it's actually 7-closing instead. SO FUCK THAT SHIT.

Working at PNE, is hella fun, well it was fun for a bit and than it got really repetitive, but why am i complaining again? My job is so easy that it's not even funny, i'm getting paid $94 a day i believe and $13 for lunch, so that's not bad for just standing around asking kids if they want an airforce tattoo and helping them up onto the trucks. And after i work i even got to go on some of the rides for free, how cool is that?!

September schedule for tuttimelon is pretty gay for me. I'm getting some of the shittiest shifts, the shifts i'm partnered up with will be hella boring.

Welps looking forward to Langara's orientation this coming wednesday. Looking forward to seeing some of you guys there!

Today's party was pretty cool. Thoguht it was gonna be bunk like last time, but damn more and more people showed up, ended up being a pretty GOOD night. Thanks ya'llz.
Anyhow, pretty excited for this coming week, visited her today at work, so it's all good. HAHA.


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Student. Steezed. Amateur Photographer. Part-time Hero.