Sunday, March 7, 2010

PMS much

I don't understand why girls give us the excuse that they have their PMS when they're cold shouldering us. It doesn't explain why they're doing it to us, and yet they always give us that excuse and they think they can get away with it in any situation. I have yet to still find out the answer to that but for now, let girls be who they are when they're on their pms and let them know they're being fucking fat bitches. Perhaps don't talk to them for a while, don't call them, let them know they're bitches but yet keep it on the downlow so that they don't go off on you about how much it sucks to have pms and that they're girls. But like they all say "if you can't see me at my worse, than you don't deserve me at my best." Real talk nigguhs.

I'm done my time here and i really need to figure out what i really need, because it's obvious that it's not working out right now. I'm not disappointed or mad, i'm content with whatever i did so far but sometimes not everything works out. Bitches need to know what they want. However, if you ever need someone to talk to, i'll be the one lending you the shoulder, and it won't be cold. =)

p.s. I didn't mean to use "bitch" in that context, don't get me wrong girls.


I believe we all have to die someday. But that day will not be determined by us. God will determine when we leave the earth, and hopefully to rest in peace. I've realized that i care too much about one thing and it leads onto the next, which isn't all too good to be honest. It's good to care about someone or even something, but sometimes when it becomes excessive, it becomes a problem. Hopefully things work out for the rest of ya'll even if it doesn't workout for me, but until than i don't have anything negative to say because it's s'all good temporarily. If you don't have expectations than you won't have disappointment. Still learning.

The weekend is about to end and i had some good rest ups, so i'm pretty happy about that but it's almost time to get back into shape and working on some assignments. Let's talk about prioritizing more often.

This shit does wonders, thanks pegasus for the tea.

Good day.

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Student. Steezed. Amateur Photographer. Part-time Hero.