Saturday, July 31, 2010


I got my steeze..

Out in 2 days..


Thursday, July 29, 2010


There's something in the world that we call sacrifice. You know... when you want to make a person happy even if it's taking your own happiness away from you. We all get that feeling and don't bullshit me. It's hard to explain this feeling, in a way you want the best for that particular person, and yet you know how much it hurts just to even provide the state of happiness for them. I know i've been there before. A show of hands of who's actually had to sacrifice their own happiness for someone else's. It's dumb, it really is when the two of you fight. There's no real winner and there's no real loser, i hate to lose but i love to win, all that being said compensating is the best way to conclude things. Yeah we all know in the heat of the moment, things get rough, take a time out, and talking it out is the best answer. So what i'm really trying to say is that, no matter how things get, rough, lovey dovey or whatever it is, sacrifice is what everyone needs to make a relationship work. At least that's what i think.

ps. I'm gone in 3 days, wish the best for me, i'm going to be a changed man.

Private Cheng.

Peace and love.

Sunday, July 25, 2010


Im broke, but yet i feel so happy without having money and a cellphone right now.

Why is this feeling so great?

I think it's because i bought these airmax 90 infrared's that i've been wanting for quite some time.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

I just took a swagpoop on you!

Apologize for shitty picture quality.. ;) Rushed it =(

Friday, July 23, 2010

Light up the sky.

Ever been hurt so many times that you don't know how to feel anymore, some call you emotional, and some may also call you "emotional-less." The thing is we all get hurt, and you all know how long it takes to recover from this pain. So if anything, don't do anything that will make you regret your actions.

I can't wait to leave. Aug 2nd 8am.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Holla Sunshine.

"You call me your baby boy and i can call you my baby girl, maybe we can spend some time, i can be your sunshine."

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Watchout for heartbreakers.

So it has been confirmed!!!!
Im officially leaving on Aug 2 @ 8am, Yeah dont think you wanna take me to the airport that early, because if you had a flight at that time, i don't think would take you to the airport as well. =) Sall good my nikkas.

Canadian Forces Base EDMONTON, HERE I COME.




edit - For those that are nice enough to send me mails, i'll have the address up really soon.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Ever since you left, life hasnt been the same. The stories we share, we were very similar in every way, i don't know what broke us apart. Maybe we were against the world, but who the fuck cares? i didn't care, i know i had a big mouth, i told the whole world, i bashed you for what you did, i take blame in everything, but i'm happy when you're happy. It's hard to reach the state of happiness, that whole feeling where a person makes the world goes round, you did it. I can't deny the fact that you were something special. I don't wanna whine anymore, but you're the best.

If you were here today, and experienced everything that i've been through, ill calll you a trooper. Maybe ill tell you a tiny bit of my story, until then, everything is a mystery. I'll stay mysterious, but still call me Mr.Steezy.

Leon, Pte Cheng

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Swag Poop

Thinking of getting this....... Yeah i know its kinda long

And Fit of the Day...

like omg.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

I realized that i'm not doing myself a favor, i keep doing poorly in school, and i work at a low end job where isn't much room for advancement. What am i doing? I work a part time job to keep my pockets with spare change, to buy things i need or want. I'm stuck in school not enjoying a single minute of it, maybe i go to school because i'm forced to. Hopefully soon enough i'll enjoy the things i'm doing, perhaps a better job, and a better text book that i'm going to be reading.

Anyhow, pretty happy with my purchase..

And IMO, these are cooler then wayfarers but it took a while to pull that trigger on these, because wayfarers are just as sick.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Look outside the circle and tell me what you find.

So I haven't been blogging as much lately because there's nothing really much going on in my life at the moment. It's basically work and go out and then repeat that all over again. Work felt really chill today because there were no managers working, everything felt too chill and my asshole manager isn't around for the next 2 days. Happy happy.

There's nothing like Cold beer and ice cream on a nice night like this.

Gonna donate blood tmr. =)

Thursday, July 1, 2010

I've got a situation.

Like Mike from Jersey Shore says, "I've got a Situation."

So why are you people so fake? Why can't you tell a person you don't like them, straight up? If you don't like them, then by all means, don't talk to them, don't associate yourself with them, but when you talk more shit about them yet you don't do anything about it, then we've got a situation. How hard is it to tell a person you don't like them? If you think they're annoying then say it straight up, let that person know, let them realize that maybe they are doing something wrong. I don't understand this whole concept of talking behind someone's back. Yeah, i have to admit i have done that before, it's quite stupid actually, so i guess i learned my lesson. You should too. For whatever reason, why do you even still hang out with them, if you dislike them in any way? People say that, "treat others like how you want to be treated," i treat ya'll with respect, i try not to badmouth you people and cause minimal chaos, but what am i getting back? Don't call me a bro, if you don't really treat me like one. I know ya'll are talking shit and making me famous, good job, i'm almost up on the headlines. This might be some sort of misconception, but what from i hear and see, you're fake and you're shady.


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Student. Steezed. Amateur Photographer. Part-time Hero.