Tuesday, September 15, 2009

I'm Flying, perhaps soaring in the sky

So today is tuesday i'm just about to go to school, class is at 10:30. Today is Langara's Welcome week, so at the BBQ i hope i'll be able to talk to some girls. I feel like i've lost my ability to talk to different girls again, not a good start. Maybe i don't have my groovey back after all. Whether i have it back or not, let's take chances and if i fail it's still a win-win situation for me. No loss at all.

I hope that i'll get paid this weekend so i can have some money to go shopping. I need some new dope stuff again. Haven't been doing too much online shopping lately, but my 2pairs of raw denim are coming in, i can't wait.

S'aite, don't you just love it when you know you have the ability to make her laugh like an idiot, to a point you would have to say "Please change your laugh, it's really ugly." HAHAHA! Jokes. Aside from that, it's a good start, let's keep rolling.

Life's good. And so is Kanye. Haters leave. Lovers stay.


So the welcome week event didn't go so well after all. I just noticed how hard it is to actually to talk to random girls that are flashing by. To me it's near impossible. Why did it have to be so hard, the transition from Highschool -> College is soo "bleh." There's no other way to describe this feeling right now.
I'm surprised that a bunch of smart people from my highschool are at Langara. It's shocking, they tried soo hard in grade 12 and you see them ending up in Langara. What a shithole. Damn........ Lotsa interesting things going on lately, but too much to say.
Hopefully school life get's a tad better, s'aite.

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Student. Steezed. Amateur Photographer. Part-time Hero.