Friday, September 4, 2009

SHe's damn sexy and i like her

So today, i pretty much hooked up with a random chick at PNE. Amazing eh?
It's funny, i was soo noob and i kept asking for advice before. Now i'm actually making this happen, its too fun, and i can't stop, i'm meeting new people everyday, whether its just names or even numbers.
To be honest she's not the typical type i would go for, but damn, she just came onto me which even was better, so i just played "my game." And she fell for it!

Best days i've had so far this year.... damn girrrrrrrrr movies with her tomorrow!

More pics. to come.


Anonymous said...

heyyyy. never tried commenting under my LJ account. i want pictures!

LeeeON said...

whos this?

Unknown said...

After reading your entire blog, I find you to be nothing but an emo, weak-ass, pathetic, self-pitying, loser boy. You have NO game. This poor girl was duped into believing she was going out with a MAN. She'll find out soon enough that you are a fake, a quitter, a loser. I will ensure that she reads your loser posts and rants. Eat shit and die you communist, tree-hugging bisexual . Stop your weak-ass playlist and blogging, your mouth is only good for catching sperm as a cum receptacle for the men at the PNE.

LeeeON said...

Hey hater, thanks.
K bye.

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Student. Steezed. Amateur Photographer. Part-time Hero.