Sunday, January 17, 2010

Where did you go?

I remembered back in the day where everything used to be soo chill, and calm, and now i'm sorta likin' the "fast life shit," if ya' know what i mean. So it's been 2 weeks since school started and i haven't even touched any homework or any readings whatsoever. Why? because i have no motivation to do well in school or to even go to school anymore. I gues you can call it emotionally stressed out. The last few nights has been really chill, didn't hang out all that much actually, just did my own shit and met up with people randomly and calling out the new hang outs.

Here i am, still trying to find my own identity of who i really am, and what i really want in life. Today, i was doing first aid training with my army buddies, and during lunch, one of them told me he went on tour(afghanistan and up in the north somewhere) twice. He was telling how he made $5k a month as a corporal and how it's hella chill there, but be prepared to work your asses off. And now what? I'm considering to go overseas, one tour is approximately 6months with 6months of pre-deployment training, which isn't all that bad either. Perhaps maybe after 6months i come back home, everything will be different because i'm looking for a change. People are so full of shit nowadays, i don't know who to trust and where to start.

For now, i'm going to try in school because i don't my money to go to waste, and maybe work my way around people. I've learned to be lenient, because i use to have the biggest " I don't give a fuck" attitude towards people and it wasn't smart.

In conclusion, i'll just keep doing my own shit and you can do your thing, but remember i'll be there when you need me because you have first dibs to my shoulders. =)

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Student. Steezed. Amateur Photographer. Part-time Hero.