Saturday, February 20, 2010

dumb bitches

dumb bitches.... fuck. I have no idea why i'm always mad now but it's just the littlest things that build up and BOOM, headshot. I was smooth, until you started cracking my heart bit by bit, and it went downhill from there. Sigh.. It feels like that everytime i pull a wrong move, i move back to square one and start all over again, as if i'm the only one to put in effort into making things work and being the bigger one to step it up and shit. For all you home dawgs that know what i'm talking about, than you feeelll mee.... But i guess this is how guys roll, we gotta be the bigger one to take initiative into things and make things workout, after all we are human and we all make mistakes, regardless of how perfect we are. If we can make it through the bumps and dents on this journey, than we can probably take over the world too.

I'm so stupid.

This was a complete mess up, but baby i hope ya ain't fed up.

Leon is out.

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Student. Steezed. Amateur Photographer. Part-time Hero.