Saturday, February 27, 2010

what a ride.

I don't know if all ya'll nigguhs out there feel this, but when a person tries to make an effort to talk to you, regardless if its a couples relationship, friendship, whatever, and you make a huge effort to talk to them about things and work it out and they just blow you off and say they don't want to talk about it right now or whenever, doesn't that shit just piss you off?

Man, talk about it, i'm frustrated, i'm mad, i'm angry, i'm not happy with how things are going right now. You know, i let you do your thing and i do my own but when we spend time its hella dope and it's quite something to remember. I don't know why we always just end off conversations with the wrong attitudes, where is the love? I don't mean the negative things that i say sometimes, more specifically, i do some name callings or other random shit, but the thing is you probably won't understand. However, if this is the end, than thanks for everything, because i actually tried my bestest to make it all work out and ish, but if you're not giving me a chance to do so than i can't do anything about it. I wish things would work out, because i know your the most downass bitch and i'd be the jerk to be down wid ya the whole way through this roller coaster ride. Tell me, there's a way around the ups and downs and that we'll make it till the end.

End rant.

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Student. Steezed. Amateur Photographer. Part-time Hero.