Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Today, i looked in the mirror and i saw a guy that's aging quite quickly. I hate to say this but i feel like i'm aging faster then i thought i would. You can't define someone's age by asking how old they really are, you define their age by their life experience and knowledge. Quite ironic eh? Yeah i'm 19, but i feel like i've grown up too quickly, i'm no longer as immature as i used to be. Seeing the changes recently, i've realized that i should go on a hiatus from everyone. I want to figure out what i'm really all about, to chase my dreams, to get that paper and see what life has to offer. No girls, no parties, k i lied, maybe a few, but trying to stay away from that scene. I'm debating whether i should drop out of school for a year and get back to it later on, it's a huge risk, but what's life without taking a risk? All my life, i did things to make people happy, to satisfy them, what i wore everyday to school, how i looked and what i say. It's complete bullshit. I'm not saying that i was fake before, what i meant was i should do things that make myself happy. My parents aren't going to be very happy, when i tell them this, hopefully i'll have enough courage to tell them everything that's going on. Com'on, they're chinese, they're the typical asian parents that you would see everywhere. "We want you to see you succeed, but before all that shit, get a degree first and then we can talk."
I hate it. I wish i was white.

For now, i'll do me, i'll do everything i possibly can but don't blame me one day if i do fail. That bittersweet thought has come to a conclusion, i'm out of here.


1 comment:

The72Girl said...

I love this post, although it's not too happy. You expressed your thoughts really nicely and I can easily relate. Stick in there, hon.

P.S. I landed on your blog as I kept clicking the "Next Blog" button on the top navigation bar of my blog.

Take Care.

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Student. Steezed. Amateur Photographer. Part-time Hero.