Saturday, October 10, 2009

Who said money can't buy happiness?

I apologize for being so annoying and blogging almost everyday now, but i have to get some shit off my chest, blogging is simply one of the easiest way to let it all out.

Soy today, Johnyn hooked me up with a shit load of supreme stuff, pretty fucking happy. Supreme collection is getting bigger. Nigguh, i reign supreme now. HAHA jokes,

I like em' all, don't care if you dislike anyone of them. I rock it, and i love it. So don't be hatin' and don't be tryin'.

And like i said, money does buy you happiness. I don't know why but whenever i feel emo, i tend to spend shit loads of money randomly. Got paid today, but i pretty much drained it all on buying some new stizz. Regardless to say, it was worth it and that's all it matters. Money could be made anytime, but happiness cannot be brought to you at any given moment. I'm probably one of the happiest kid on earth right now. Muahahaha...... Let's just say this was an early birthday present to myself. Jordan spizikes to come soon... i hope? I can't wait.
Ya'll gotta step your game up.

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Student. Steezed. Amateur Photographer. Part-time Hero.