Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Say goodbye

For all of you, i know saying goodbye is the hardest thing to do, regardless of the situation. However, saying Hi, Hey, Whats up was the easiest thing to do though. Why is it that hard to say a simple goodbye? It's another thing i won't ever understand in life, call me dumb or stupid, i don't care. Today was the last day to clean up my house in richmond, or i should say, "the house" in richmond, we gave all the keys and remote for the garage door to the new owners. Just by the look in their face, they were soo happy with their "new house." Eh, who wouldn't be happy with a house like that, it was perfect in every way, minus the backyard swimming pool. Although i've only lived there for about 2.5 years, all the great memories kinda made me sad, to say my last good bye. I could remember all the good and bad times, from the house parties to the phone smashing arguments with my parents. Whatever, everyone has to move on at some point in their lives.
And this is the story of my life. I hate moving, it sucks.


BabyTurtle said...

Don't worry, be happy.

LeeeON said...

easy for you to say.


I can totally relate :(

LeeeON said...

GOOD SHIT </333 whats up!

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Student. Steezed. Amateur Photographer. Part-time Hero.